Chapter 3 - Teenagers

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It was the beginning of a quiet morning in the Afton household. Evan was snoozing away, dreaming about god knows what, Fredbear plush held close to his chest.

For once he felt somewhat at peace...until he felt an earthquake.

What the hell.


Oh nevermind it wasn't an earthquake, just a very noisy Elizabeth who was way too excited for her own good. The 'earthquake' he had imagined was simply his older sister shaking the life out of the poor boy. He leaned up, propping himself onto his elbows, and yawns tiredly.

"Mornin' Lizabef..." he mumbles, rubbing a bit of sleep out of his eye.

"Bloody 'ell Liz shut up will you!? It's 7 o' clock in the bleedin' mornin'!" They both heard an aggravated yell from their father's room, causing both to flinch. Liz giggled a bit at the reaction but listened nonetheless.

"C'mon Evan let's hurry! If we have breakfast then you can open your presents! Aren't you so excited to see what you got?!" Elizabeth said in a noticeably quieter tone than before. Evan figured he didn't have much choice in the matter and got himself out of bed, he could admit he was pretty excited about presents!

While this rather heartwarming scene occurred, Michael was just waking up, also frustrated by his sister's yelling. He got up and stretched, hissing a bit when he heard a bone pop into place. What was Elizabeth screaming about anyways?

Oh right, Evan's birthday, yeah.

Today was the day of his friend's plan as well, he still wasn't sure about that. Was it too late to go back on it? He could try making up some sort of excuse.

What were the options here...

He was sick? No that wouldn't work, if he was sick he wouldn't go at all, and he doubted that would stop Ronnie and Benji just doing it themselves. He could say his dad found out, that might scare them enough to drop it. But how would William have even found out? There was no way he would know unless Michael intentionally snitched, and his friends would figure that out sooner or later, if not immediately.

This was difficult.

Should he just do it? I mean what harm would really come of it? They weren't going to hurt Evan, just scare him a bit. That's what all siblings did right?

Was this too far? No! Surely not, it was just a small lift, couple of seconds and they'd put him down, then he could apologise or something once the others were out of earshot.

Once the others were out of earshot? Why couldn't he just be a good brother and still be their friend? Why did he keep having to go back and forth between his siblings and a couple of assholes that he didn't even like that much? He'd forgotten how they'd all become friends actually, he just knew that one day they weren't there, then the next they were.

He knew he'd have to set some boundaries eventually, his friends were hurting his family, well the only members of his family that he really cared about anyway, he did find it funny when they'd gang up on his father.

He didn't like the fact that he'd built somewhat of a positive relationship with his siblings only for it to be ruined by some pricks he didn't know how to say no to. Maybe he should talk to Jeremy about it some time he's sure he'd understand it, sometimes he wishes that the friendship group would split off so he wouldn't have to worry about those twats anymore. Maybe that was for the best, but how would he do it? He doubted they'd go without causing problems. Did that even matter really? It was too much to think about this early in the morning. He figured the best thing to do was to go downstairs to have his breakfast, even if the air between him and his siblings was still a little tense.

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