Wilbur x dream smut

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Brief mentions of:
- Abuse
- Rape
- Nightmares
- Stalking

Chapter Text
A young man walks through the streets of Las Nevadas.

He had left a certain casino where he left his friends at, getting away from a man with black and a scar striking through his left eye who wouldn't stop staring at him while smirking.

Quackity was the man's name and he must've been a nice guy, despite the looks he kept getting from the man.

Maybe it was his imagination, maybe Quackity was staring at his best friend and not him.

...Even though those black eyes always seemed to land on him every time he moved...

Well! It doesn't matter!

He left the casino (not without telling his friends of course!) and was taking a breather.He would return back to his friends, they were the ones who gave him a ride, and the walk to his house was miles away!

Taking in a deep breath, he relishes the fresh autumn air.

Looking up to the sky, he smiles at the stars that glimmer in the dark night sky.

A cool breeze blows towards the direction of the man, golden hair swaying in different directions.

The man shivers slightly, wearing only a lime green sweater and skinny jeans to keep him warm. (The pair of converse barely doing anything to keep his feet warm.)

Footsteps stride calmly onto the concrete pavement, relaxed posture as he passes by small stores with different products and items to sell.

The occasional car passing by his walking figure.

However, the moment the young man walks pass by a dark alleyway, the feeling of being watched has the man stagger slightly.

He turns around, only to find no one standing behind him.

Unease settles in his stomach as he quickens his pace, feeling unsafe and scared.

Did he take his pills? He's sure he took him, so it can't be in his head, right?

Ever since the incident with... his ex-lover... he had woken up from disturbing nightmares (It always ended with maniacal laughter as maroon eyes stare at him possessively, and gore surrounding him, legs cut off from his body while crying and pleading to be let go) seeing or feeling the presence of the he once loved looming over his figure. (Rough hands touching and groping places he didn't like, a bruise always painted his torso and arms, sometimes his thighs when his ex-lover wanted to show his undying 'love' for him. He always cried silently when 'he' was done.)Hallucinations weren't good to have in public, especially of the man that...hurt... him. (Was it his fault?)

Letting out a shaky breathe, he continues to walk before considering it would be best to head back to the casino.

The presences of his friends is sure to calm him down, even if that casino owner stares at him like a creep.

Not wanting to go near the presence of watchful eyes, he looks both ways before crossing the street, jogging towards the other side.

Once he makes it safely, he begins to speed-walk towards the casino.

He hadn't gone that far from the casino, a 15 minute walk at the very least.

As he walks through the nearly empty streets, a sudden breeze hits him like a wave, wrapping his arms around himself to warm his body.Lampposts lighting his way through the eerie dark silence, only hearing the howling wind.

No cars, or people did he see, as if he's the only one left on Earth, yet the feeling of being watched never left.

Eyes followed everywhere he went, watching his every move.

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