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Detention was over &&' I was on my way out of the classroom when i got a phone call it said "Daddyy💋" "Hey Dad" "Come to the hospital quick" he said sounding worried "What ? Why ?" "Your Mom was in a very bad accident" "What ? Mom? She left us! I couldn't care less what happened to her dad" "Chasity bring your ass down here now!" "OMG dad fine!" I hung up &&' was on my way to the hospital &&' I bumped into August "Oops sorry I wasn't looking ma" he said "Right now isn't a good time okay!" "Okay , where u going? I'll ride with u!" "Hospital , I'll explain later! &&' sure come on we'll get your car later". We got in the car &&' August asked "So who's at the hospital?" "I said I'd explain later so please just leave it alone!" "Ight ma" he moved his hand to my thigh &&' looked at me for a long time &&' I started to get uncomfortable &&' said "August we can continue with the little moment later , now please!" He smirked &&' said "okay". We pulled up to the hospital &&' the little old lady asked who I was here to see &&' I told her Alyssa Moore &&' she told me room 350 , when I walked in there she was hooked up to so many machines. "Mom?" She opened her eye &&' said "Ch- *cough* Chastiy sweetie come here" "No Alyssa , why should I ? Maybe I'll just walk outta this hospital &&' never look back kinda like u! Cuz if this accident never happened I wouldn't be here with u &&' u wouldn't be here with me , so yeah I should just walk outta here!" "Ch-Chasity sweetie I did this for a reason , for you guys safety" My dad had to but in "Chasity quit with the freaking attitude , your mother had nothing else to do but leave &&' if she didn't you guys would be in a foster care , cuz I would've left too!" "So my dad would've left too?" "August come on" we left &&' a tear fell from my eye , as we walked out August said "Chasity , come here" I just hugged him &&' cried I looked up &&' he crashed his lips into mine &&' pulled away , then smirked "A-August" I said blushing a bit , "C-Chasity" he said mocking me. I just walked away blushing really hard. He got in &&' I pulled off as he stared at me until we got to my house. My dad wasn't there so I took a shower &&' changed into some white shorts &&' a black half shirt &&' left my hair down &&' put my fuzzy brown socks on. "Gosh Chasity , u are just WOW!" "Aww , ur so sweet" I said blushing. I sat down next to him &&' we watched Friday After The Next.

----- August looked at me &&' I looked at him as he got closer. Before I knew it we were getting pretty heated &&' panting. My dad walked in &&' said "WTF CHASITY ! Who is this &&' why tf is he in my damn house? Get the fuck out bitch" "But dad I live here &&' so does Rachel u can't just -" "GET OUT" I walked out with August crying I got in &&' pulled off to go get Rachel from my Granny's house. I didn't wanna get out so I just honked... She came out &&' asked what was going on "Rach I'll explain later okay baby just wait we're going to Augusts house" "Uhm okay". She looked out the window the whole time &&' August just stared at me then pulled out his phone &&' texted away. Few seconds later I got a text.
Future 💍 - Be mine?

Baby Girl 💘 - Omg yes 😘
He winked at me &&' I smiled. We pulled up at the school cuz I forgot about his car. "Bye Future!" "Bye Baby Girl!" I followed him to his house &&' had to go back to my house to get me &&' Rachel's clothes &&' stuff. I walked in &&' passed my dad &&' just went up stairs &&' got two suitcases , once I was done packing my hygiene related things I packed my lil sis clothes &&' hygiene related things &&' went back down stairs &&' my dad said "Aye sweetie I'm so sor-" "Save it &&' leave me alone Donald" I walked out with the suitcases &&' put them in the trunk. "Let's get going Baby" we followed August back to his house! His house was huge asf ! I went to the guest room &&' put Rachel's stuff in there &&' put my stuff in Augusts &&' I room 😏 .

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