Chapter 4

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All the hairs in my body stood as a cold stone less shiver ran through me. I shuddered involuntarily. It was the blood gushing out of him that had me frozen. And I felt like an idiot, just standing there watching him. Help him! I urged myself.

"Shit!" I snapped into attention.

"Niklaus... are you okay?"

Of course, he isn't stupid!

His face was bruised, one of his eye barely opened and there were few bumps on his cheeks and near his jaw.

I kneeled beside him while checking for any vital injuries, he was losing a lot of blood. I looked for the source, the blood was gushing out from his thigh. There was a huge wound only a knife could have carved.

Instantly, without thinking I sat him up, leaning him against the wall. I began by tearing the hem of my shirt to then wrapped it around the wound in his thigh while he hissed in pain. Once I was done, I tried to stand him up.

"Can you stand?" My voice shook as I looked at him. He barely seemed conscious. I felt a pang of fear, however, I hid my fright and called for courage. I urged him to stand and this time he complied. It took us minutes but we managed.

"Don't put weight on your leg. Here... lean on me." I told him when he groaned, pained. He draped an arm around my shoulders. He was so heavy, it felt too much for me to bear, but I refused to let go of him. As his head bobbed front wards, I knew that we didn't have much time until he succumbed completely into unconsciousness. We reached his car in time, however, with easy caution I managed to get him into the passenger seat, without causing him much pain.

I moved to the driver seats and started the engine. I drove away from the dark corner, exiting the parking.

"We gotta get you to the hospital," I told him reassuringly, seeming to be keeping it together whereas inside I was freaking out.

He shifted suddenly only to groan as he clutched his abdomen. "No." He said incoherently. "Don't...not hospital." He managed to say.

I turned to frown at him for a split second before darting my eyes back to the road.

"Niklaus, you're losing a lot of blood...You need--"

"Please..." He said dreamingly, hovering between unconsciousness. "They'll ask...questions...can't"

I pressed my lips together. He needed medical attention fast, otherwise... I couldn't even think of what could happen. From the corner of my eyes, I watched him as he closed his eyes, his brows furrowed in pain as he leaned back to the seat.

What do I do? For starters, how far involved was he with those people that did this to him? Obviously, too much that he'd risked his own life. I frowned at the road and began taking the route back to my house. If he didn't want to go to the hospital, then he left me no choice. I was going to heal his wounds with little healing knowledge I knew from biology. What he needed was proper medical attention but I was going to try my best.

I parked his car, near the drive way to our house, so that it seemed inconspicuous to Gale and Paige, if they decide to come back from another one of their business events.

"Niklaus," I shook him awake. "C'mon, we need to get you in the house."

He grunted in response. With cautious steps, and a lot of wincing and cursing, we managed to cross the lawn and into the threshold the house. I took him to the bathroom near the stairs and sat him up on a chair. He slumped on it so forcefully, I almost thought he passed out. However, making sure that he had found his equilibrium, I left him in search for the first aid kit.

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