eight | maths and madison

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It seemed to me that Alex was more concerned with his studies than making our relationship believable.

I mean sure, education was important- but so was maintaining my lies, come on.

It started Saturday.

I was feeling oddly energetic
(I must inform you it was 7:00. 7:00, on a weekend?!) crazy, I know (and totally unlike me).

You see, I had an idea for our day out today; invite Freg and Alex out to Paterson (the closest decent sized town near Frenhaven) to do a little Christmas shopping.

It was only November but I liked to do it early, before the crowds.

Freg had successfully made up- lasting a record of two nights apart.
Freya informing me they had previously fought over the colour for the curtains in Meg's new bedroom. Apparently the decision was not Meg's to make alone (even though it was her room...).
Lesbian problems right?

I had been bouncing around my room, trying not to wake Connor since 6:30. I wanted to call Alex but was acutely aware of how early it was. I didn't want to wake him up.

So at 7:00 I sent him a text asking if he was awake.

Less than one minute later my phone vibrated; Alex was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered, he couldn't possibly be awake? It was so early.
"Hey Jess what's up?"
"Oh nothing, are you awake?"
"Yeah," he said, his voice sounding totally normal, "I don't really sleep."
"Really? Are you an insomniac?"
"No. Well, undiagnosed anyway. I do sleep, when I need to."

Sometimes I wished I was an insomniac, just to be cool and different but... just the second my head hit my pillow I was out like a log.
Sleeping was so, so beautiful.

"Cool well I was thinking about what we should do today, with Freya, and I thought maybe we could go to Paterson? Do a little Christmas shopping?"

There was silence at the other end of the line. And I thought for a moment that Alex had hung up. Then he coughed.

"Are you busy? Sorry I didn't mean to presume-"
"It's not that. I just actually really wanted to do some study today..."
"With me or..?"
"Of course with you. You're my top shot tutor."

I wasn't sure exactly what top shot meant by Alex's terms but his enthusiasm and tone of voice suggested it was positive.

"But I really want you to come out with Freya and me..." I complained.

"May I remind you that we haven't studied since Monday?"

"And you haven't seen Freg since Monday either. And now that Connor knows we can't exactly work here anymore..."

"I'm sorry Jess but I really really really want to get my B's."
I could picture him on the other line pulling his puppy dog face, widening his blue eyes.

"Fine. You win. Damn it you win. Where are we going? Your house?" I located my navy blue jeans from a pile on my bedroom floor.
I needed to tidy.

"Well my sister is getting married, so my house is a little hectic at the moment. I have another place in mind. And I know how much you love free food."

Ooh I did love free food.

"Fat Matt's?" I asked, pulling up my jeans.

"Of course."

"Sweet. And what do you suggest we revise today?" I picked up a t-shirt, sniffed it, then pulled it over my head.

"A bit of maths would be good?"

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