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3rd POV:

Walking into the small room filled with around 10 cats the smell of urine hit them like a bus. It left a frown on Harry and a look if disgust and regret on draco.

If owning a cat would smell like that, Draco was having second doubts. He was thinking of slowing changing Harry's mind onto a bird or maybe a rabbit. That was until he saw Harry drop down with a thud and smile at the cats as they walked up to him.

He watched Harry giggle and smile while talking to all the cats. There was plenty that came right up to Harry and even a kittens were climbing all over him. However the one that seemed to catch his eye was the white speckled cat I'm the windowsill.

Harry just stared at that cat with a small and adorable pout as if trying to convince them with his eyes to come over. To which the car looked away and close its eyes.

"Hazza, honey I don't think that cat seems very interested in you" Harry just glared at the taller blonde boy, "maybe one of the kittens or younger cats around you. That one looks pretty old too."

Draco didn't necessarily want to get a cat since they might die sooner or get a disease and Draco wasn't really feeling up for Harry crying over some small furry ball or moodiness. Just the thought of Harry crying made Draco shrink back and scrunch his nose. He knew it happens and will continue to happen but he hates people feeling sad or crying around him. Made him feel like he wasn't try hard enough to make them happy.

With that thought he was brought back to reality by the big flurry spotted cat hiss at harry with a small growl. Draco was quick to go up to harry and pull him away from the angry cat before she could scratch harry and draw blood. Draco didn't know Harry's reaction to blood or wounds and he dint want to find out at a shelter full of dirty abandoned animals. "Harry i really think you should consider one of the other more friendly cats," draco said worriedly for the messy haired boy.

Harry just pushed away from draco with a scoff, "No..."

"Excuse me?" Draco asked shocked and slightly agitated.

"She's just got big walls... she's just protecting herself," harry finally looked at draco in the eyes for one of the first times, "i want her... please." Harry looked at his toes rocking back and forth when he finally said please.

Draco rubbed his hand down his face debating if he should just let him make his own choice on a cat or make him choose one he wont have to worry so much about. With one final look at the pleading boy draco waved his hand, "fine," he started watching harry shaking a little with excitement, "IF you can get her to warm up to you within 30 minutes."

Harry nodded eagerly and walked out to the receptionist desk with draco following closely. "Hello, can i please have small room with the old white and black cat in... room 7."

The woman looked to be in early thirties and was wearily a bat ton of makeup, "are you sure you want that one?" She asked emphasizing the word 'that.' Harry just looked at her as if she was plain out stupid.

"Isn't that was i just said," harry responded rudely with an eye roll.

Draco looked at the woman with an apologetic look, "he didnt mean that, what he meant was that we are sure. We know she is a little rude around the edges but we think we would be the perfect home for her. It would just help to have a room with just her so she can warm up to us."

The woman didn't look to pleased with either or them as he walked to the room they were just in. "Whatever, just go wait in the empty room on your left and shell be right in with you."

They followed the directions and went into the small room with three seats. "Harry! What the hell?! You cant just go around being rude to people who are trying to help you. I understand you had a had a mental break down once we got here but that gives you no right to get upset at the woman nor me," Draco lectured. He was going to continue but he realized harry was just zoned out onto the door not listening to a word he was saying. Draco to say the least was struggling to hold back his emotions and decided it was best to leave. "I'll be back," was all he said as he left the room dispersing down the hall.

Once he was gone harry broken down for the second time that day, "why cant i every do anything right..." he whispered to himself, as tear endlessly flowed down his faced forging up his circular glasses. He wished he could do better, he wished he didn't get so upset and react angry at every little thing. He wished he would take back everything he said. He wished to open up about everything to Draco and let the man just take care of him but he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried to him it was something he thought he couldn't change.

He dint realizes when the woman came in and dropped that cat, until the door was slammed. He jumped a little but just went back to his self pity. He didn't even care that the mean old cat curled up to his side and was purring. He unconsciously started to pet the cat and calm down until his mind was blank and all he was left with was a head ache.

"Hello little one, well i guess old huh," He stated as if he would get an answer, " you're just as misunderstood as i am, aren't you. Told that you are just a grumpy old nobody who people shouldn't want, huh. Well don't worry i understand and I wont leave you." He finished as he picked up the cat playing her on his chest as he snuggled into her long fluffy fur.

Harry stayed there with the cat slowly getting more and more tired until he heard the door reopen causing him to tense. "Sorry, i didn't mean to go off on you, I don't expect you to just change yourself cause i want you too. It takes time and i need to be there to help guide you not yell at you every time you mess up."

"It's fine," harry responded, surprised he was apologizing to him.

Draco looked at harry with pity, "its not fine hazza..."

Harry just scoffed and scrunched his face up before burring it in the cats fur again. That's when Draco realized just how close he was to the cat.

"I see you guys got close," he waited for the answer which never came," well lets get going then."

Walked back to the receptionist, this time hold the cat, Draco did the talking. "Hello, again, we would like to buy," Draco looked at the cat no really knowing what to say, "this cat, please."

"K, that will be 56.47 please," Draco handed her the card to let her to the rest," what's the cats name you can keep it as duster or change it to what you want."

Draco looked over at harry for an answer, "Hedwig, it means fighter, i think it matches her personality."

"Hedwig it is," Draco nodded to the girl who just rolled her eyes and put gave them their receipt.

They walked away and if on sinc Snape walked up with a cart full of items such as: food, bowls, littler, litter box, carrier, toys, brushes, treats and a collar. "Don't, think anything about this," he said as he glared at the two, who mostly knew it was an empty threat.

Harry got Hedwig into the carrier with help from Snape, while Draco got a name tag with Hedwig on the front and Harry's name and Draco's number on the back. Walking back to the others he helped them bring everything to the car and load the trunk. He told harry to get in the car, who willing did it with a nod.

Once the doors where closed Draco turned to Snape with tired eyes, "thank you."

"Don't." Was all Snape said before turning away," you did a good job handling him, might as well let him hold the old mop looking cat."

With a light chuckle Draco got in the back with harry and handed him hedwig which got him a small thank you from harry.


Words: 1464

Cringe? Maybe. That up for you guys to decide. Anyway sorry for the long wait i am in fact a busy man. Anyway i hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I find a forgot what I normally would write here so i guess if you want leave opinions, thoughts, suggestions or anything you like that's appropriate in the comments and have a good day/nights!

Remember you matter, you are loved, you deserve a break, eat some food even if its just a small snack and get a glass of water.

~tell next time

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