Obsessed (It/its Reader)

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Basically in this oneshot you use It/its pronouns because I don't see a lot of oneshots that do that lol! Also this is probably going to be suggestive, so be warned! (Not full-on smut but kinda sexual themes) TW: Self-harm mentioned in this oneshot!


As I stood behind the counter at the gas station I worked at, I tapped my fingers together repeatedly. 'Slow day today.'  I thought to myself. I looked around, observing the aisles of snacks, magazines, and cigarettes. It was just around noon by now, and nobody came into the store so far.

But then, as I was distracted by the items in the store, the door opened and somebody walked in. I had seen them around here before. They were always wearing a black t-shirt with a red logo I didn't recognize, a black unzipped sweater that came off the shoulders, and black baggy pants. They had long, black disheveled hair, and unsettlingly pale, ashy skin. They looked as though they were dead.

I didn't pay any mind to their appearance, however. I wasn't in the best shape myself, so I wasn't one to judge. "Hello! How can I help you today?" I asked, trying to sound a little more welcoming. The person just stared at me for a moment before responding. "Oh um, I'm just looking around..." They said, coming a little bit closer. I had to admit, I had always thought that they looked kind of... Cute? Like in a weird, stalker kinda way. I could feel my cheeks become dusted with a light shade of red.

"You smell really nice. What kind of shampoo do you use?" The person asked suddenly. I have to admit, I haven't showered in a few days. I should probably do that when I get home. "Oh, I didn't actually get the time to shower." I lied. I had plenty of time, I just didn't feel like it. The strange person smiled, a wide grin plastered on their face. "That's alright. What's your name?" They asked. "Oh, it's Y/N. What's yours?" I asked in return. "Oh, it's uh... John Doe. But you can call me John. Or Doe. Whatever feels best!" They replied.

John Doe POV

I don't know why I asked for its name when I already know it. I guess I just needed to seem like I didn't meet it before. It may not have met me, but I know it very well. Y/N's lips curled into a tiny smile, complimenting its red cheeks. It's so precious... I need it to be mine. "Are you doing anything after work?" I asked. Y/N paused for a little bit. "No, I'm completely free. I'll probably just stay home." It replied. Perfect.

I smiled at it even wider than before. "Oh, that's nice! Well, I'm gonna go now, turns out I didn't need anything. Haha. Ha..." I trailed off. "Oh, well, I guess I'll see you later. If I ever do see you again, that is." Y/N said with a little nervous laugh. I waved goodbye, and walked out of the store. I just needed to wait until it's off work, then we can hang out together! I love it so much. I'd do anything for it. Absolutely anything. I walked around for a while, waiting until the gas station closed.

Soon, the gas station was closed, and I saw Y/N locking the door. I waited by the gas pumps for it to come close so I could greet it. Y/N walked over, glancing at me, then looking back in surprise. "Oh jeez, you startled me! Hey Doe!" Y/N said, giving me a little wave. "Hi Y/N! I'm sorry for scaring you... Do you like being scared?" I asked it. It thought for a moment. "Sometimes I do, it really depends. I just don't like it when people sneak up on me though!" Y/N answered. "That's understandable. Say, do you mind if I come home with you, Y/N?" I asked. Please say yes. Please say yes. PLEASE SAY YES.

"Well, I don't really like the idea of bringing strangers home. Then again, you seen nice enough. Sure, we can ride the bus home together!" It answered. I was extremely excited. I'm going home with it! God, this is the best night of my life... I nodded, and followed it to the bus stop. We waited for the right bus to pick us up and got on. Halfway there, I reached my hand towards Y/N's. I held its hand gently, looking into its eyes. Y/N's cheeks were a bright red. I just want to hold it forever. Finally, we arrived at Y/N's house.


Once we got to my house, I unlocked the door, leading Doe into my living room. They sat on the couch, and I sat beside them. We both sat there for a while in silence. Well, they're in my house now. I looked at them, my eyes meeting Doe's large ones. I noticed they were still wearing their sweater.

"Don't you want to take that off?" I said, pointing at the black hoodie. Their expression grew blank. "I'd prefer not to. Unless you really want me to! I wouldn't mind showing you what's under here...." They trailed off. "Oh no, it's fine! Just do whatever feels comfortable." I said, patting his hand. I wonder what they meant by the last part they said. It's probably nothing.

I grabbed the remote for the TV, before Doe set it back down. "We don't need to watch TV right now. I want to spend time with you, Y/N!" Doe said, grinning. They have a really pretty smile, despite the fact that there was an usual amount of teeth in their grin. "Alright, no TV then. So what do you-" I was cut off by Doe grabbing my wrist, pulling me into a kiss.

The kiss was soft and passionate, but still a bit rough. I was filled with confusion, shock, and oddly enough, excitement. Doe bit my bottom lip before they stopped kissing me. "Doe, I-" Before I could finish my sentence, they kissed me again. I gently removed my lips from Doe's. "You didn't let me finish! Doe, what was that?" I asked them. Doe stared into my eyes again, for what felt like the tenth time tonight. "I'm in love with you, Y/N! I have been for a long time now! I want to keep you in my arms forever, Y/N. I need you so badly! Do you love me too? Do you?!" Doe asked in a semi-manic tone.

Wow. I don't know what to say. I mean, technically I've known them for a while, but we only started speaking today. Then again, they were kind of my type. (A/N: Guess ur into obsessive crazy ppl, weirdo 🤨 /j) I thought about it for a little while more. "I... I like you too, Doe. You seem like a nice guy, though I have to admit, your kind of odd. But, that's okay. I'm not that much of a normal person myself." I said. Doe's face lit up.

John Doe POV

Oh my God. It likes me! IT LIKES ME!!! I give it another kiss, this time a little more rough. I layed it down on the couch, straddling on top of Y/N. Y/N's face was a deep shade of crimson. I love its expressions! "I love you, Y/N! You're so beautiful... And now you're finally MINE!" I said, Y/N sitting up to kiss me. As we kissed, I removed my hoodie. We pulled away, and Y/N looked at my arms.

"Doe, what happened?" Y/N asked in a calm, but worried voice. It rubbed its thumb across my scars. "Oh, uh... I wasn't really in the best mental state a while back. But I'm alright now! Now I have you, and that's all that matters!" I explained. Y/N smiled sympathetically, before rolling up its sleeve, revealing Y/N's own scars.

"I understand what you've been through. I've been clean for about a year now. I'll love you no matter what, Doe." Y/N reassured me. I was so glad to hear that. I was afraid it would look down on me. I gave it a smile, before lightly kissing its neck. I pinned Y/N down to the couch, kissing and lightly biting its neck.

"Ah, Doe! Gentle..." Y/N said, biting its lip. "I'm sorry! I'm just really excited... Haha..." I replied. I caressed Y/N's cheek before putting my hand on its waist. I tugged at the waistband of Y/N's pants, before noticing Y/N looking away. "Y/N? Is everything alright?" I asked it. "I'm fine, it's just that... I'm sorry, I'm not ready."


I wasn't ready to go all the way yet. It was only our first time alone together, after all. Doe looked at me in surprise, before giving me a look of understanding. They sat me upright and gave me a hug. "That's alright, Y/N! I figured you probably wouldn't be ready yet. We should get to know each other more first before we get too intimate." Doe said, before laying down and pulling me close to them. "Thanks, Doe. You can stay the night if you want!" I said. Doe nodded. "I'd love to! I'd stay here with you forever if I could! I love you so very much, Y/N." Doe replied. I snuggled closer into them. "I love you too, Doe."

HEYYY GUYS! Hope you liked it! I know near the end Doe seems a little out of character but ehh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ See ya in the next oneshot!

Word count: 1641

(DISCONTINUED) John Doe x Reader Oneshots (John Doe game)Where stories live. Discover now