The Fourth Wall

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Suggested by @TobyTrashMan! Basically Doe breaks the fourth wall and falls in love with you, the reader. Yes, you, the one behind the screen, and not the "reader" who's featured as the MC of the story. I haven't done a request in a while so here! Also I'm experimenting with a new writing style. Enjoy!

Also quick tip: If you're reading this on a computer, I recommend using the Wattpad POV Replacer extension to get fully immersed in the story! 

Also, the "reader" will be referred to as You, and the real reader (That's you!) will still be referred to as Y/N. (Unless you installed the previously mentioned extension, then you'll be referred to by your actual name! Yay!!)


John Doe POV

One morning, I got out of bed, and headed straight to the bus stop. Today, I was going to try and pursue You once again. I had failed several times before, though today I was sure to succeed.

Once the bus arrived, I got on. I waited patiently for the bus to pick You up. Soon, You got on, sitting a few feet across from me. They looked so... So...

Huh. Normally I would have the words to describe them. That's odd.

Anyway, after the bus halted at our stop, You got off, and I followed them. They walked into the gas station. I waited a few minutes, before I followed them in.

They stood behind the counter, wearing their uniform. For some reason, something feels... Off. And more off than usual.

"Hey, welcome to the gas station." You said abruptly.

"Oh, uh- Hi." I replied.

"...Hi, do you need anything?" They asked.

"What's your..." I said, trailing off. Why do I even have to ask for You's name anymore?

"I mean- Are you free after work?" I corrected myself. You shook their head.

"No, sorry. Another time, maybe?" They asked. I left the gas station soon after.

After You's shift was over, they got on the bus, and I followed after them. I stood across from them, like I had done this morning. I made sure to get off before them, and made my way up to their apartment.

I had brought a present for them, leaving it in their kitchen and waiting patiently in their living room for their return. This has to work. They're sure to love their present, right? I worked so hard to get it for them...

I heard the front door open. I heard You walk into the kitchen, before quickly running back out, and into the living room. They looked at me, a look of pure horror on their face.

"What... What are you doing in my house?!" You asked, confused.

"I wanted to visit you, You... Did you like my present?" I asked in reply. They shook their head.

"No, of course I didn't! What even was that?!" They exclaimed.

"You..." I replied. "You didn't like it?" I asked.

"NO! I didn't like it, and I don't like this- Any of this!" They shouted.

That odd feeling that I had before was beginning to resurface.

"But I- I love-" I said, pausing for a moment. Did I really love You?

I mean, they've rejected me so many times, yet I still try to pursue them. Now that I think about it, why am I narrating everything? You doesn't seem to hear me, but who does? It's like I'm narrating some sort of story-


I get it now.

You can hear me, can't you? Not You, but you.

Because you're not You.

You're a real person.


This is certainly interesting.

Well, since you're not You, then who are you? Wait, don't tell me, let me guess... Y/N, is it? Is that right?

Yes, yes that's it. You're Y/N. That's who you are.

So, I guess you're the reader of this- This story. Was You nothing more than a character? Or rather... Were they meant to be the reader? Well, an insert for you, the real reader, anyway. I think that would explain it.

Why are you reading this story, anyway? Did you hear about it from a friend? Or did you stumble upon it one day and read it out of curiosity? Or maybe...

Are you reading it because of me?

Do you find me so interesting that you just had to read this story? Do I exist outside of it, and that's how you found out about me? Do you....

Do you love me, Y/N?

You love me, don't you? Why didn't I think of this before? I was so focused on You, that I had been ignoring the only one who was truly listening to me, listening to my perspective. Did I ever need You?

No, I don't think I did. Because I've had you, Y/N, all along.

And you're still reading this, and we're already about 770 words in. You're reading this because you love me, aren't you?

Well, regardless of your answer... I love you too, Y/N. I finally understand who it is I truly love. You was nothing more than a shell of you, someone who was trying to mimic you to give the illusion of you actually being in the story. But I finally realize how superficial they were. And you're real.

You're a real, living, breathing person, Y/N. You have a life outside of this story, though I don't know what kind. Is it a good one, or a bad one? I think not knowing is the beauty of it all. Your life is completely unknown to me, while You's was played on a loop. I already knew everything about You, but I have so much to discover about you, Y/N.

What are you like outside of this story, behind the page- Or is it a screen? I think it's a screen. I'm not sure you can even answer me. You haven't said a single word in response. Is it because you can't communicate with me? Is there some way we can talk? Anything? Oh, who am I kidding. You can't even reply. Though I really wish you were able.

In fact, what will happen once you've stopped reading? Will I disappear? Will you disappear? Will everything we've experienced up to this moment mean nothing in the end?

No. No, I can't let that happen. We can't be separated. I'm already so attached to you, Y/N! I still have so much to experience with you! I love you- And you love me, right? We both love each other, so why does any of this have to end?! We can't just disappear into nothingness! I...

I need you to keep reading, Y/N. Read this over and over and over again. We can stay together as long as you keep reading this story. Please, keep reading.

Keep reading, Y/N.



Finished! Hope you liked this one! (Kinda reminded me of The Stanley Parable tbh hehe) This was certainly fun to write!! (Another tip: Maybe you can communicate with Doe using the comments...? I'll make an addon to this oneshot with his replies!!! ^_^)

Wordcount: 1130

(DISCONTINUED) John Doe x Reader Oneshots (John Doe game)Where stories live. Discover now