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Calm winds blow against you, making the grass dance in rhythm. You stare at the sky, sitting underneath the big peaceful tree. Suddenly, a beautiful flower crown blocks the view of the blue clear sky above you. This made you trace your eyes to the hand holding the colourful circlet which leads to him. Thoma, your friend who is charming, sweet and likeable.

"What are you doing here all alone, y/n?" He drops his body down next to you leaning back onto the stable tree. You sigh and don't answer him. That's when he puts the flower crown on your head gently and looks at your exhausted expression. "You must be tired. It's okay, you're doing great. Everything is going to be alright." he says as he pulls you into him, letting you rest your head on his shoulder while he pats and strokes your hair. You couldn't help but let streams of tears run down your watery eyes as you slowly drift off to sleep with Thoma keeping you safe. This is one of the fondest memories you have since he is always there for you even in the hardest times, especially after you lost someone important.

You never knew loving someone is going to be this hard. Your heart is going to burst from watching him everyday, from a distance; even with him so close to you it still feels like he is so far. He is always with her. His smile shines so bright and laughs so loud whenever or wherever he's around her; which is always. You see him run around arranging the flowers, cleaning the room and not a second later he goes out for groceries. Maybe it's just your hopeless mind trying to make things seem better but you're not sure anymore. Why did it have to be him, out of all other people? His gleaming messy blonde hair that he ties everyday glows in the sun, more like he is the sun in your world. Those crystal green eyes, how captivating.

We all grew up together but sometimes you wonder if things would be different. How can he not fall in love with her— Ayaka Kamisato, the eldest daughter of the clan; her long blue hair flows elegantly with every small movement she makes. Her petite figure contrasting with her brave soul is the most intriguing reason anyone could fall for her. A tall figure stands next to her; not a rare sight to see him since he's the clan's housekeeper, Thoma. The outlander that came from far away from Mondstadt. You're not sure why he likes to pop up into your mind throughout the whole day; your mood lifts whenever you hear his name and especially when he is near you. However, nowadays you can't help but feel down afterwards. You're trying to let him go but it's hard when you have to see him practically everyday.

"y/n?" a hand waves in front of your view that was now blurry; you didn't realise how long you have been lost in your own thoughts until he brought you back to reality.

"Ayato?" His light blue hair sways gracefully, just like his sister. The white cream attire that effortlessly matches him so well covers his tall slim body. He is indeed very handsome but only the blonde housekeeper is the one on your mind.

"Are you feeling alright? You seem... to be lost in your thoughts." The icy hair friend follows your direction of sight only to find you staring at Thoma, again. He lets out a breathy sigh and stares at your sulky eyes that he seems to be able to look at for hours. His black tight glove comes into contact with your forehead; the friction creates a sharp noise from the result of Ayato flicking your forehead, "Ow! Why did you do that?" You say while bringing your own hands to cover the top of your head to try to calm the pain he just caused you. Your face forms a cute pout he couldn't resist. The priceless reactions only cause the young leader of the Kamisato Clan to chuckle softly.

"Come on now, let's go have some fun. There's no use in you sulking." You watch him grab hold onto one of your delicate hands that are magnifying smaller when compared to his larger firm hands; leading you out to a place he has in mind. "Wait, Yato!" In shock and confusion you ask him, "Where are we going?" Ayato did not stop taking you away nor respond. From a distance, a pair of lime green orbs observes you and Ayato who's smiling happily.

His friend (Ayato x y/n x Thoma)Where stories live. Discover now