Chapter Four

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TW: Sardines.


As they hear Liana coming back down the stairs, they quickly pull apart. Liana looks at them suspiciously, but doesn't say anything.

"I've put the clothes in the guest bedroom - you know where it is," she said, smiling at Piper.

Piper nodded and smiled back at her. "Thank you. Really. It means a lot to me that you're letting me stay here."

Liana shook her head, already opening the door. "It's nothing," she said. "Bye!" she called, before closing the door.

Jentzen looked after her, smiling sadly. Piper put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Liana's an angel, but I get what you mean with her always being busy."

He smiled at her. "Ah, well, someone's gotta have a life around her."

She grinned and shoved him. "You know, we still have to figure out something to do."

Jentzen glanced at his watch. "It is getting really late. You might want to consider dinner."

Piper frowned. "Didn't we just eat lunch?"

"Well, it was a really late lunch. And we did waste three hours of our life watching that show."

"Hey!" Piper said indignantly. "You liked that show as much as I did!"

He shook his head. "No way!"

She glared at him, pointing a threatening finger at him. "You take that back right this second!"

Jentzen shook his head. "Nope!"

Piper raised her eyebrows. "So that means that I can watch the rest without you?"

His eyes widened. "I didn't say that!"

"Mhm," Piper said, shaking her head. "Just admit it. You liked the show just as much as I did."

He sighed. "Fine. I admit it."

"No, no, no, that's not enough! You have to say it." she said.

"Oh come on!" Jentzen sighed again. "I liked the show as much as you did."

"Happy now?" he asked.

Piper smiled at him and patted his head. "Very."

He rolled his eyes. "Okay, so we're not hungry. Want a sandwich at least?"

"You know," Piper started to say, but was interrupted by a loud yawn.

Jentzen raised his eyebrows. "You know what?"

"I was going to say I wasn't even that tired."

He gave her a look. "Well, you kind of just proved yourself wrong there."

She rolled her eyes. "How late even is it?

Jentzen checks his watch. "Only 9PM." He gave her a concerned look. "You're already tired?"

Piper sighed and sat back down on the couch. "I haven't been sleeping too well. I mean, you know the lawsuit, and the stress of social media, and, well..." she bites her lip, debating on wether or not to tell him this.

"Me and Lev have been...growing distant," she said cautiously.

He looked up sharply. "How so?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. It just feels different." She winced. She really didn't know if she should tell him this, but she had no one else to talk to at the moment.

"The butterflies aren't there anymore, you know?" Piper met his eyes for the first time since the conversation started.

Jentzen nodded. "I get it. That's what happened with Elliana. Maybe..." he trailed off.

"Maybe you could find a way to get that spark back? You know, maybe take a step back from social media."

She nodded. "I mean, we still love each other and all, but..."

Piper sighed. "I don't know, you might be right."

"Social media can be a very toxic environment sometimes," Jentzen said. "If you want to stay together, and I'm sure you do, just talk. Communication is key."

"Right." Piper went silent for a few seconds.

Then she smiled at him and reached over to wrap him in a brief hug. "Thanks. You do have some good advice sometimes."

"Only sometimes?" he exclaimed in mock outrage. "Why, you wound me!"

Piper laughed. "In all seriousness, though, thank you. You've been a really good friend to me. I'm sorry for dumping all this in you, it's just...I don't really have anyone else to talk to right now, soo..."

Jentzen smiled at her. "It's okay. I mean, you were there for me when..."

He trailed off and looked away, trying not to cry. She put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

He took a deep breath before continuing. "Besides, that's what friends do." He smiled again.

"Oh, and it's nice to know how low I am on your list of people to talk to," he said jokingly.

Piper laughed. "You know, you might just end up getting a promotion."

"Does it come with a raise?"


"Aw, come on, it's no fun without a raise!"

"Fine, it comes with a raise."


Piper rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Well, do you want a sandwich or not?" Jentzen asked.

Piper glanced around nervously, but seemed to relax. She smiled and nodded. "But I get to choose what goes on it!"

He gave her a weird look. "What, you really think I'm gonna put sardines or something on your sandwich?"

She tilted her head to the side thoughtfully. "Maybe."

Jentzen rolled his eyes. "Piper, I know how much you hate sardines."

She look surprised. "You do?"

He gave her a strange look. "Of course I do. You told me."

Piper looked up at him. "Y-you remember that?"

Jentzen smiled. He stepped forward and took one of her hands. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, leaned forward and whispered, "I remember everything."

Her breath caught in her throat. Why was he so close? She wanted to run away and yet she also wanted to...her gaze flickered to his lips. She immediately looked away, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Jentzen had noticed her looking and was blushing like crazy. They quickly pulled away from each other.

"Um, well, I'll go, um, make that sandwich then," he said, trying not to meet her eyes. "Without sardines."

Piper nodded. "Right." She needed to get away. Now.

Jentzen practically ran towards the kitchen, and Piper collapsed on the couch, putting her head in her hands.

What just happened?


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