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Next stop on Daquan's list was a place called Skrillexia ,northern Brazil . One of the most humid places. Which means this is the most fireist places. Daquan and Ethan came looking for Daquan's mixtape but instead they found johnny dubstep. We found his house through Daquan's friendship with the NSA. He simply just hacked his phone. "How'd you find me" johnny questioned. "We just ha-" Ethan was cut short by Daquan. "Doesn't matter but we need your help to find taco cat and get my mixtape back." "Who what why, do I even get to get caught up on what's happening" johnny whined. Later. We all climbed on Daquan's form of transportation quick scope jet. Johnny ran to his gut and grabbed his sauciest mixtape but not quite fire for the ride

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