Prologue: Faceless

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*-_ This is NOT a final of the book, for there will be changes made over time. This is a preview of the story, and characters, plots and even themes may be changed. This is a DRAFT. If you are upset about character changes, or something you would LOVE to keep or lose, please write it in the comments and like similar comments to your own, as this may be kept in the final draft. _-*
                                                                         Thank you, and enjoy.


The desk was burdened with papers. File upon file upon file. Its meaning to hold a person during their work life now ceased to exist. The piles are now wanted to answer a single question: who did it? The only words written in that room were of someone they didn't know, someone they had been trying to find.

"What information do you have on the case?" Officer Hawk was prepared for every situation but never thought he would find himself in one. He never knew a small town could consist of a murderous being.

"Crow is nowhere to be found," replied his assistant Robin, trying to keep up with the officer. He walked with a clipboard, writing madly on it as if he were a hummingbird. "We checked the blood on the walls: its his. The writing reads "Help the needy by sacrificing the greedy". Strangely enough, the weirdest of all this is that all of his signed paperwork is gone. From his desk, assistant's desk, even the safe that was in his wall. All of them, gone. The only trace we have of the murderer is a crow's feather on the desk.

Hawk knew something was off. For a whole human being to disappear was strange in a city, but in a town? And with blood on the walls? Even psychopaths don't take their time to spread their message. Definitely horrifying. He knew, as he entered the building, that whoever took the man wanted the man, not the simple act of committing murder or a crime. You must also prepare for a kidnapping, as the victim will obviously try to free themselves. Unfortunately, the likelihood he is still alive is unfortunately low. The blood proved it.

Stepping into the office, he could feel the horror of the scene. It seemed so empty in there, with the piles of paper and the isolated desk in the center of the room. It made Hawk feel off about the room. Robin could only imagine what a desolate life it must have been, living in that room for most of your short-lived life. A shame it ended for Crow so soon.

"This room sure is... something," It was nearly enough to say that the tall man wasn't scared. What he said wasn't incorrect, though. The room was the last place Crow was ever seen, at least by Crow's assistant. Most people didn't know he even existed. Maybe that's why it took so long to figure out he was missing.

"Hawk, you don't need to be afraid to say this room gives you the heebie-jeebies," sympathised Robin. Out of the two, he was better when it came to reasonable and reliable decisions. "It is currently doing that to me. Of course, here is the blood-" he pointed to the wall left of the desk, which connected to the door at the front "which is scribbled on like a child did it. To be honest, it could've. Lunatics come in every size and form."

"They su̝̹͐͞r̂ͪ̔͏̬̱̦ẹ̢̝ͩ ̸̮̙̤̱͈̠͛̀̏ ̷͎̘̉͛ͪ͊d͒͏̣͍̼o̬̬̯͉̩̝̒̃ͤ̽̕ͅ."

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