Havoc and a storyteller : The beginning

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  Coming back home from the girls only community college I was in, I had a feeling my life's taking a new turn. I just need to further my education and earn a masters in my kinesiology degree. I might even open a gym in this little town of ours.
   My academics would be perfect
   My dream gym perfect
   My parents would support me
   The people of our town would love me
   I'll have the perfect boyfriend
    It would all be perfect....

   Six months after
      Fuck this University
      A well decorated middle finger to the people of this town
     A resounding fuck you to my parents who left me so fast like their fucked up assess were on fire. I mean, it's not everyday you meet your parents with dicks in their asses, a real one and a fake one.
  Then you learn you were never their child, found you on their doorstep and helped raise you till you could stand on your own and leave.  yeahhhh ... Shit like this definitely happens all the time.
    Forget the gym, I'm all about surviving right now #iwillsurvive. The girl next to me stares at me for a long time, annoyed, I stare at her with increased ferocity then sneer at her. She yelps like she was frightened and hurriedly wheels her cart towards another aisle, her bag pack bouncing with her hurried steps. Fuck my boyfriend, I mean ex. Fucker almost brought me down with him.
   I paid for all I needed and headed to my car with a "don't fuck with me" attitude.
   Oh... I nearly forgot....fuck my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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