the escape

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i've got lots of homework to do all for tonight:D

me and error hung out a lot it was over three months where we would just sit and talk we would never leave each others sides. that's until error had to get soemthing from another au he left me alone with nothing but a red crayon cover, it didn't even have the crayon in it.

i was busy folding the cover up making an airplane hoping error would get back soon with what he want to get when i heard a portal open behind me.

"error are you here? ive not seen you around lately?"a voice i've never heard said
they hadn't seem to see me yet so i hid under errors beanbag. they stepped closer to the beanbag with a hand over their eyes playing the role of trying to find error, they walked over to the paper airplane looking around and then going to pick it up,
"have you hidden yourself under this paper?"
the skeleton picked up the paper and acted shocked that error wasn't under it. he sighed and then walked to where i was under the bean bag chair flopping onto it

"guess i'll wait for you to get back"
next chapter will be out soon

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