~my scripting template~

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~hey yall, I found this template somewhere so I will use it here!~

also, I'm currently listening to this subliminal, hopefully it will help me shift tonight:


~without further ado, let's see my template:~

~my dream desired reality:~

about me:

~name: Marija Juranić

~my age when I shift: 9 and its april of 2019

~birthday: 6th May 2009

~gender and pronouns: female, she/her/hers

~my hobbies: badminton, roller skating, writing and reading

~i wrote a book series "the lady of the wood, a thranduil fanfiction" and became a teen writer at 17

~i dont really feel pain

~sexuality: straight

~likes: cats, dogs, food, smell of books, music, cozy clothes, rain and thunderstorm at night

~dislikes: mean and pick me girls, salad, hot weather

~i can speak with animals and animals feel atracted to me

~i dont have my period

~i can sing and dance very good



~its never greasy and its fluffy

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~its never greasy and its fluffy

~my hair is always on point

~i can do any hairstyle i want and each one looks adorable on me

~my face:

~i dont have any skin problems

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~i dont have any skin problems

~i have extremly clear skin and no eyebags

~i look pretty at every angle and in every photo

shift w me!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin