i don this mask

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He has no expectations, no preconceived notions, of his new appearance. Volo doesn't care what he looks like so long as he can change his appearance. Looking at himself any longer would just make him feel sick.

"Keep the length, if possible." Is his only request when asked about his preferences.

Akari flashes him a smile and a thumbs-up.

She seems happy... I'm glad.

Volo tenses when she places her hands on his shoulders; his entire body stiffening like a board.

"Relax." Akari hums, sitting him down and wrapping a cloth around his shoulders. "This may take awhile so make yourself comfortable."

She brings a wooden bowl and comb forward. Inside the bowl is a heterogeneous solution of Octillery ink and some sort of powdered pigment. Using the comb, she mixes until the mixture is smooth.

Volo sighs blissfully as she combs the dye through his hair. It feels nice having her fingers massaging his scalp, colouring his roots black. She falls into a rhythm, stroking evenly.

"You good?" She asks, voice filling the silence.


"All we have to do now is wait and rinse." She informs him dutifully, moving to sit across from him.

He raises an eyebrow questioningly.

"Hee-hee..." Akari giggles at his expression. "It's looking good. You look good, Volo." Then again, you'd probably look good in anything... she doesn't say.

Akari hums happily, beaming at him brightly.

"Why are you so happy?" He asks.

"I'm helping my friend," Akari answers, "I like helping my friends."

"You're too kind." Volo says cynically. "Someone might take advantage of that kindness."

Her answer surprises him.

"So?" She shrugs. "That's on them. I can't control how they respond to my kindness. I can only control how I behave. I choose how to behave and I choose to behave kind."

She smiles at him.

"The world could always use a little more kindness, I think."

He stares at her, reminded once again just why Akari is adored by gods. She's so genuine - so pure-hearted.

He wants to apologize.

But what can I say to make things 'better?' Nothing I do will ever make up for what I've done.

He killed Akari.

He didn't mean to, but he still did.

(He did mean to; he just didn't mean for it to be permanent.)

He destroyed a future without caring about the consequences - without thinking about the consequences.

Humans should never play god.

"And—done!" Akari declares, pointing to her mirror. "You can look now."

Volo peers at his reflection, and sees a stranger.

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