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"Your new boyfriend's an asshole!" I was in the shower singing your new boyfriend by Wilbursoot, after the song was over I got out of the shower I thought about something very important, I got dressed and headed over to Bad's room and look at the calendar, "They are going to meet up!? Without me..?" I start to fake cry and Bad came in and looked at me "Your coming btw...If you didn't know" I squealed in excitement and I hugged Bad and he said "Well you better get packing because we are going tomorrow morning (It is morning btw) so I started to get packed, (I'm just gonna do a small time skip)

Later that night (Around dinner time)

I finished packing and tried to find Tommy, he was in his room almost done packing, Just then Bad called us down for dinner and said "Get a big meal because were flying out at 6am" So we ate all of the food in our house and headed to bed. The next morning at 5am Bad said "Wake up! Time to go! We'll be late if we don't go now!" So I got up and I got in the shower, I decided to listen to Ophelia while In the shower "Oh!Oh! Ophelia,🎶 You been on my mind girl since the flood!🎶" After I got out I brushed my hair and got dressed, Bad screamed "Tommy! Y/n! Come on we're leaving now" So I grabbed my suitcase, Tommy grabbed his, we got in the car and we headed to the airport. A little bit later, We got on the airplane, I slept through the whole trip, when we got there we waited at a motel parking lot and I saw them! "Dream, Fundy, Gogy, Philza, Ranboo, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Quackity!" I looked over at them and they looked at me, I dropped my suitcase which I was rolling around and gave them all a big hug "I can't believe you guys are all here!" Dream decided to say the worst thing ever "So, my mom threatened to murder me if I didn't add her friends daughter to the dream smp, so I brought her here, everybody welcome Jessica to the dream smp...Yay." We all looked at dream then at Jessica "Hey guys! I'm Jessica! And I hope we get along!" We all decided to be friendly towards Jessica and say "Hi! Jessica" She looked over at Tommy and me holding hands and looking at her, she walked over and said to Tommy "Hey! What are your names?" "Tom simons, but you can call me Tommy" "And I'm-" she instantly tripped and Tommy caught her "You...ok?" "Yes! Thank you so much Tommy!" She did an evil smile over at me, she got up and Ranboo said this "Ok we have to team everyone up so I'll choose" "Bad and Quackity!" Bad screamed "Come hereee Badboyhalo!" They laughed and walked to their room "Next is Dream and Georgenotfound!" They looked at each other and Dream made kissy noises, they also laughed and walked to their rooms "After that we have! Fundy and Wilbur!" They walked to their rooms and locked the door "Next is Philza and Tubbo!" They nodded at each other, shook hands and walked up to their rooms "Jessica you can choose who your with!" "Tommy! I choose Tommy..." I looked at Ranboo and Ranboo looked at me, we both nodded and walked to our rooms as Tommy and Jessica walked to theirs right next to our, Ranboo and I shut the door, He sat on the bed with open arms as I hugged him and cried, I told him my emotions with so much tears "I...HATE HER SO MUCH! ARGGGG! I HOPE SHE DIES IN A PIT OF ACID!" We then heard a whole bunch of talking outside so I  opened the door to see everyone came outside because they heard me screaming (Oh and by the way when I mean everyone I mean everyone from the dream smp) They all hugged me and then I saw the worst thing ever I saw Jessica walk outside with Tommy and she grabbed Tommy's face and kissed him!? I stopped hugging everyone and looked at Jessica and Tommy so did everyone else and Jessica said with no remorse "Oh...I'm sorry...I didn't know! I swear!" Everyone went over to Jessica and hugged her as well besides me, Ranboo, and Quackity, and Quackity said "I don't hug strangers..." we went back in the room and locked the door, Ranboo said "You look like you need some sleep, let's head to bed!" We got the room that has two separate bedrooms so Ranboo went to his bedroom and I went to mine. We woke up the next day, it was about 11:50 am, ranboo was already awake and ready for the day, so I got ready while Ranboo waited. We left the room to find Quackity chasing Bad around the parking lot, we waved at them and they waved back, we were walking down the stairs when Jessica came in front of us with a bloody face, sat down and said "HELP THEY PUSHED ME DOWN THE STAIRS!" Everyone came running over and was helping Jessica, Tommy looked at me and said "Are you jealous or something!? You hurt Jessica! How could you!? We are just friends!" I looked at Tommy with tears starting to form and I said "I'll have Jessica come, pick you and your stuff up and You can get out of me and Bad's house..." He looked at me and snickered "You can't even call it your house! Your such a loser!" Bad then jumped over and said "What do you mean? It's her house though!" Tommy looked confused and said "No, it's YOUR house not HER house" "Ohhh yeah forgot, here you go y/n the house keys are yours and the house is yours! I am moving out soon so the house is yours!" Tommy got angry and pushed me to the ground he then had a smirk and said "That house is not either of yours anymore!" And he took the keys, I slapped him across the face and he looked concerned "y/n!? Are you ok!? What happened!?" Jessica looked pissed and said "UGHHH Y/N YOU SUCK SO MUCH, NOW IT WONT WORK EVER AGAIN!" I looked at Jessica and she knew I was pissed but so was she "THE LOVE POTION THING!" I looked mad and pinned Jessica to the floor and said "I'll let you go if you tell me more on how the potion works?!" "Fine I'll tell you! It looks like lipstick and you obviously put it on your lips and you kiss the person to mind control them into loving you!" I tell Jessica "Fine I'll let you go but stay away from my friends!" "Oh no, we're not over yet!" Jessica looks at me with a grin she squirts a bottle of perfume on my friends and they just say "Ewww that smells really strong Jessica!" "I know, I know!" We all walk to the balcony and decide what's for dinner, we chose pizza and so we drove to the nearest pizza place and got some to-go pizza, once we got home we ate the pizza in Tommy and Jessica's room then Jessica whispered to me "Hold my pizza real quick!" So I held her pizza she then shoved it in my mouth and said "She ate my pizza!" Everyone looked over and   Ranboo said "Y/n! What the hell!?" Tommy looked over and said "Dream follow me..." Dream nodded and followed, I snuck behind a plant and heard Tommy and Dream talking serious stuff "Dream we have to kick Jessica out of the dream smp!" Dream looked at Tommy and said "What are you talking about!? We have to kick out Y/n! Jessica is innocent!" Tommy then remembered something and slapped Dream, Dream shook his head a little and said "What happened!?" Tommy started to tear up "We have to kick Jessica out of the Dream smp, she has potions that can hypnotize people and do evil things!" Dream nodded and said "That's dangerous we have to stop her! Was I hypnotized?" "Yes but when you slap someone they can't be hypnotized again!" Tommy said panicked "Everyone is hypnotized besides Y/n! We have to stop Jessica!" Dream nodded and they walked back, I snuck behind them and Dream declared the best thing ever "I here by declare that Jessica is to be exiled from the dream smp! Forever!" Everyone was outraged and demanded a vote but Dream denied, we started so slap everyone and explain what happened after we explained to everyone and slapped them, we all agreed to banish her forever, Jessica started to cry but no one believed her, she then got up stopped crying and grinned, she grabbed Tommy and a gun, she started shooting them, we hid everywhere but she found us, I found a very small secret compartment and grabbed the first person I saw, I grabbed Ranboo! He looked very panicked and we hid, he started saying everything he saw and we heard all of their screams and blood started to fill the compartment, we then heard Jessica and Tommy talking  "Oh, Tommy! Now...we're alone! They're all dead!" "How...could y-you?!" She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away closing the door behind her "Ranboo, it's safe to get out!" We climbed out and we sighed, we then screamed as we realized there was blood everywhere and our friends corpses were on the floor, Ranboo called the police, I heard something faint, I heard someone calling my name weakly, I heard Fundy, I ran over and screamed "Fundy! Are you ok!?" "I'm...Ok *cough of blood* Hey...Tell my family that I love them and I will miss them! Ok?" "No! Stay with me!" Just then the paramedics bursted in and so did the police, They looked scared, All of the blood everywhere. They grabbed my friends and put them in the ambulances. Ranboo and I decided to go and stay in a different hotel so we slept there for the night and when we woke up we went to the hospital, George, Philza, Tubbo, and Quackity woke up, the others were still resting. When I saw Tubbo I screamed in horror as I saw a twelve inch gash in his chest he said "Hey! I'm alright!" The police walked in the room and said they found Tommy...But they found him unconscious...at the bottom of a lake I screamed and ran to his hospital room by that time everyone woke up and could go home, we all decided to go back home and call each other and say what we saw, we started a group chat on snapchat called Mental stability class so once we all got home we shared in a orderly fashion,what we each saw. Fundy shared first "I saw everyone being shot and stabbed, I hid in the closet but she found me and dragged me out by the leg, I kicked her in the face but she shot me and I laied there, hoping you guys lived!" Ranboo shared "I saw you all almost dying and I felt something or someone pulling my leg, I saw Y/n and I quickly crawled into the safe space with Y/n! She saved me!" George and Dream shared next "We hid under the bed and we hugged each other and whispered wedding vows. She grabbed us and picked us up by the backs of our shirts, she then stabbed us in the stomach and started to laugh like crazy!" Tommy shared last "I saw all of your guy's blood and guts, She then grabbed me and ran, I tried to run or scream but she kept cutting my wrists, She locked me in a ware house and...After that she grabbed her knife and me, she ran to a lake, she stabbed me and waved, she threw me in a lake and the last thing I saw was...Y/n's face on Jessica's, I missed Y/n so much!" I started to sob and scream, Everyone was panicked and asked if I was okay!? In the call you could hear me knocking over stuff, Tommy ran to my room and settled me down and said "Guys we should privately continue this later!" And he hung up "Why did you see me On Jessica's face!? Do you think I'm evil!?" I was still crying and I called my mom, she picked up and said "Oh my goodness Y/n, Your story is all over the news! Are you guys ok!?" "Y-Yeah...I'm ok..." "I love you Y/n" "I love you...mom"

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