ch. 1

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Sir Gawain had just rode out on his horse to go find the Green Chapel. He thought about his recent encounter with the Green Knight. He really didn't know who he was but that didn't distract him from how attractive he was. Gawain was not attracted to males but there was something about the Green Knight's tall frame that made his eyes lock onto him. He loved his cockiness, sarcasm, and how he had no fear. That combined with his appearance was just enough for Gawain. Gawain shook his head to get out of his thoughts. He just came upon a house and slowed his horse down to go look at it. A man was a outside and saw Gawain. "Hello passenger would you like to stay in my house?"

Gawain settled down in the guest bedroom. He was a little startled at his deal with the man. The man's wife would stay at home while he went out to hunt. However, whatever the wife did to Gawain he had to give back to the man. Gawain had no idea what this implied though.

The next day when the man, which Gawain soon learned his name was Sir Bertilak, went outside the house his wife approached him. "I'm Lady Bertilak", she said. Gawain did not like this Lady Bertilak at all. She did not give him the same butterflies as the Green Knight did. However she still kissed him. "Please accept me, I don't love my husband anymore." Gawain just turned his head and she took this as a token to snuggle into him.

When Sir Bertilak got home he showed his wife the meat he got hunting. She decided to use that and cook the three of them dinner. Gawain sat at the table while Lady Bertilak went to go check on her husband. When she returned she told Gawain, "He wants to see you." Gawain nervously sat up and walked towards the master bedroom. He saw Sir Bertilak sat on the edge of the bed. "Yes?", Gawain said. "Did my wife give anything to you today?" "Huh", Gawain started but it instantly clicked in his head. His wife kissed him today.. so does that mean he'll have to kiss Sir Bertilak? "Uhh she gave me a.. kiss s-sir", he managed to mumble out. "Then return it to me", Sir Bertilak said, "our trust must not be broken." Gawain gulped as he approached Bertilak on the bed. He licked his lips as he finally attached his lips to his. Even though they only kissed for a second, fireworks lit off in Gawain's head. He never felt this with any woman nevertheless any person. As he pulled back he could see a smirk on Sir Bertilak's face. Gawain felt a blush creep on his cheeks and he ran away to the guest room. He plopped himself on the bed. Holding his chest he questioned, "What was that?"


Ever since that night Gawain looked forward to his and Sir Bertilak's meeting at the end of the day. He longed for those fireworks. Sadly, today was his last day as it had already been three days he had stayed there. As he left their house he couldn't help but feel sad that he couldn't spend more time with Sir Bertilak. He brushed it off as he realized he would soon be with the Green Knight.

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