Chapter 6- Training

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I woke the next morning to Irsa looming over my face. I screamed and we both tumbled off the bed.
"What are you doing? " I murmured  sleepily.

"You are not easy to wake up" she smiled " Did you sleep well? Was the bed too uncomfortable for you?"
"It say the least"
"I'll look into it. Common,  you have to get ready" she pulled me up. Who in the world woke up this happy this early. I took a look at the clock

"It's only six starts by eight" I groaned
"Yeah, but we have duties to do"
"I'm a princess, I don't do duties...ever" I scoffed.
"I'm sorry, you don't have a choice" she pushed me to the bathroom  "Please hurry, even with super speed, we could still be late".

I tried to hurry, I really did, but I was still hungover with sleep. I had never had to wake up this early in my entire life. I was also not used to being rushed, especially when it came to freshening up. Iris flew us both at super speed.

We landed in a farm, a really huge farm.

"We're just in time" Iris grinned as she gazed at the sky. The sun was just rising. "It's beautiful, isn't it? Don't you just feel that refreshing strength?" She took a deep,happy breath. Strangely enough, I did feel less tired in the sunlight, I felt empowered.

I discovered how they got their food. Some kids would open up the earth..they were probably hosting some earth god or many Titans to remember.  Anyway, they tilled the soil and I watched Alex and someothers who were hosting Persephone or any other plant god , plant different types of crops.

"That's our cue" Iris winked and took to the skies. Alot of others swarmed after her. They gathered the sunlight and directed them to the plants. Then some others could definitely control get the idea. It was exhilarating to watch. Alex and the other green fingered teens worked their magic and the crops grew instantly.

Over in the distance I could see Pandora and some others rounding up flocks of sheep, goats and cows. Everyone had a part to play here to ensure general survival...I hated it. I was used to everyone working hard to ensure my general  survival.

I didn't have much to contribute since I had no idea what kind of powers I had. So I joined in the harvesting of the crops. I hated getting my hands dirty.

Breakfast was simple, pancakes, orange juice and a cup of straggisto (that's greek yogurt).

At exactly eight o'clock, everyone filed out for training.

The training field was..well, a field. A very huge, massive field.

I spotted Ralph sharpening his arrows and walked up to him.
"Oh, hi"
"So I gonna learn archery too?"

"It depends on what weapon you want to use, or if you want to use a weapon at all" He knocked an arrow and fired at the target.

Perfect bullseye!

He acted like it was normal for him.

"So..umm.. who are you hosting?"


Oh, so that's why I've been attracted to him. He was hosting the god of love, better known as cupid. He wasn't even a Titan, he was a minor god.

The Olympians were just being mean.

Even as I stood there, I noticed alot of girls swooning over him like idiots.

Sparring was NOT easy. Sure, as a princess I had some level of self defense training, but these guys out here...boy do they know how to pack a punch. As if it wasn't horrible enough, Mr Andreas made me spar with some wierdo. He didn't look like he could hurt a fly. The guy didn't even throw a single punch. He just avoided of all mine. It was almost like he knew exactly what I was going to do, before I could even think of doing it. I tired myself out and he wasn't even putting in any effort.

I was still trying to over power him when a huge gust of water washed over me. I was soaking wet and and I slipped. It was humiliating.

Everyone laughed; I was covered in mud and shame.

"She's so pathetic"

"She won't survive here much longer"

"You know, I can't really believe she got betrothed to that Hermes prince. What did he see in her?" I heard a girl snicker.

Now, I'm not one to get angry, I'm pretty cool headed. But when I turned in the direction of the girl who uttered that statement, my eyes also happened to land on Luca. We locked eyes and something inside me snapped.

The snickering intensified in my head and so did her words.

I can't really believe she got betrothed to that Hermes prince

That Hermes  prince...

My prince

My Jason

What did he see in her?

What did he see in me?

"I am a princess!" I glared at her and got up " I was supposed to be your Queen!!"

Sounds cool, doesn't it? Well, I'd love to tell you all about it but I don't remember what happened after that.

When I woke up, I was back in the med bay.
"Glad you're awake" Mr A sat right opposite the bed, an angry frown on his face. I didn't think the guy had ever smiled.

"My head hurts. What happened?"
"I knocked you out" he replied calmly
"What? How?"
"That's irrelevant right now"
"Is it?"
"Yes it is. You just laser beamed a fellow pariah"
"I did what?"
"You shot laser beams from your eyes, nearly vaporized Becca"
"I don't remember any of that, I just remember glaring at her and being flooded with rage..."
"We don't do that here. You can't just unleash your powers on anyone you get angry with"
"I didn't mean to be angry. I couldn't control it!" I sat up on the bed
"Be that as it may...we need to talk about the stuff that pours out of your mouth"
"I can't control those either"
"I don't expect you to, you're hosting Theia" he paced around the room. "The prophecies you speak of are disturbing...and they don't sound quite complete"
"You've heard it before?"
"We have hosts of Phoebe and Delphi and other prophetic Titans here. The prophesy is always the same.  The Titans are stiring. They will be looking for hosts"
"What Titans?"
"The evil ones" he replied gravely.

   What do you guys think?🙃

   What do you think should happen?

What do you want to happen?

How scary do the Titans sound?

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