Chapter Six-Fastie's Foodies

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I look out the living room window, my anxiety and worry growing every minute I don't see Bethany. I spot Gerald walking down the sidewalk and towards the front door. He rings the doorbell, so I open the door and allow him to enter. 

"Did you find her?" he asks, looking out the window with me. I feel like a stone is stuck in my throat, not letting me reply. I feel every regret stir in my chest, threatening to spill out like water in a cup. "Maybe she's fine, right?"

"I don't know," I choke out, the rock finally disappearing from my throat. "The Cherryls are gone as well. All of them. And I don't know if she's hiding or if she's really dead."

Gerald looks at me, scanning my scars and looking into my eyes. I just close my eyes and pretend that I'm somewhere else, the arcade with Mom. Alone. I just see darkness and hear Gerald's voice try to calm me down. He pats my back, and the sound of Mr. Veret leaving to go to the hospital for his job. He's a surgeon, but he doesn't drink before going to work. That is actually responsible, but I wonder why he drinks. He doesn't have family problems and there's enough money for him to survive. 

I'm supposed to be at work by eleven, but I just have no motivation to. I sigh and walk to the attic, leaving Gerald alone for five minutes while I get my bag and dress into the uniform. I climb down the ladder and see him, still looking out the window. He's just pale now, his body shaking as if he just saw the most horrifying thing in his life.

"I can walk with you to the restaurant if you want," I offer, only receiving Gerald shaking his head to decline the invitation. 

"I-I have something to-o do today," he answers, his voice just as shaky as his body. 

"What did you see?" I ask, concern filling the hole in my heart. 

"Nothing, just a guy acting weird," he answers, laughing as he responds. 

"Okay, if you don't want to tell me, that's fine," I reply, walking towards the door with him right next to me. We walk out of the house, I lock the door, and start walking down the sidewalk. I can get there in about twenty minutes, so it's just a nice walk through town. I feel Gerald walking behind me, only a few feet away, so I turn around and see him just continue walking until he realizes I stopped. 

I just turn back and continue walking, trying to ignore his unnecessary presence. Why is he so scared now? I'm just fine. Maybe it's just the disappearance of the Cherryls or his girlfriend and that girl. That annoying girl. I keep walking, soon arriving to Fastie's Foodies, and enter through the glass doors. If anything, the glass is the only thing bulletproof in the whole restaurant. I walk through the employees only door and start my shift. The first thing I notice is Ben and two other teenagers, also students at my school, I think. I just pretend they don't exist until Ben looks at me and tries to gain my attention. 

I have no choice now. I have to talk with two boys I don't know. I approach their table to get the order. 

"Hi, welcome to Fastie's, what can I get you?" I ask in the best customer service voice I can manage. 

"Oh-h, she's yo-our girlfriend-d," one of the boys stutters, making Ben blush furiously. The boy is in a hoodie, but the hood doesn't cover some of his light brown hair. He's also wearing a red mask with a sort of black pattern. He seems disappointed with the menu."I'l-ll not have-ve anything-g, thank you." 

"Hi, (Y/N)," Ben laughs, acting like his friend didn't say anything. "I'll just have a burger." 

"Make that two orders, please," Ben's second friend says, looking directly into my eyes. They're blue. He's in a white hoodie and he just seems to let his black hair grow long. I write down the orders on the notepad and walk to the kitchen for the cooks to make the orders. I overhear them. "No wonder you have an eye for her."

I just ignore it and wait at the entrance for any other customers. I seat a couple and get their order, two cheeseburgers and one order of fries, and keep walking past the trio to get to the kitchen. Their food gets set out for me to bring to them, so I take it on the trays and take it to them. I almost trip, but everything's still in place. I set the boys' plates down and walk away, trying to keep my mind on the job I have to do.

Marilenne arrives after an hour, late as she always is. I think of walking up to her and lecture her of being late and about Mr. Frouhts firing her for constant tardiness, but I don't have the mental energy for it. I just continue to take orders, give the orders to the kitchen cooks, and bring the food to the customers. Even after four hours, the three teenagers are still here. Marilenne seems concerned.

  "Hey-uh-(Y/N), why are those guys staring at you?" Marilenne asks me, pointing at the group who's just enjoying their sundaes. 

"They're customers. Don't be rude," I sigh, not laying my eyes on her. I continue ignoring her as she keeps poking and annoying me until she gives up. I look over at the group's table, money on the table and the boys disappeared. 

I walk over and take the twenty percent tip. Twenty percent. I also take the money that pays for the food and put it in the cash register. I put the tip in my pocket and continue working. After a few more hours, I clock out and start my walk home. I hear something from behind, walking, but I ignore it and continue walking. It seems to get faster and faster until it's right behind me. 

"What're you running from?" Ben asks from behind, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"How long were you waiting for me exactly?" I ask, turning to face him. 

"I dunno. Maybe four hours," he answers. "I heard about what happened and wasn't really sure about you walking home alone." 

No. They died when you started talking to him. Don't show him where you live.

"If you're offering to walk me home, I'm fine," I reply, trying to sound as calm as I can.

After some convincing, I finally let him walk with me. Fuck.


Word Count: 1113

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