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"My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! Find it! I left everything the world has to offer there!" That was the last thing I heard my father say right after he was executed by the marines. While the world may not know it I am the first and soon-to-be older child of Gol D Roger, my name happens to be the same as my father seeing as I am basically his clone.

And some may ask what he was doing here while his mother and unborn sibling are still in the south blue, well he ended up running away from home upon hearing of his father's execution. And looking back on it he should have realized something was wrong when he was given both his father's sword and captain's hat. But he had thought that he was given the items because his father planned on staying with his mother and should he leave he would still have mementos of home. And while those were valuable they had yet to compare to a book he was given. But it was not just any book, no, it was a book from Roger telling him how to use all of his abilities and moves, Haki included.

But those were the smallest things on Roger's mind, right now he was too focused on the body of his father being dragged down from the platform. and upon seeing the body being dragged with such little care he did something that would surprise every pirate from the grand line. He released a small blast of Haoshoku Haki(conquers haki). When the blast then left his body hundreds of people began to faint the most affected were the ones in front of him because that is the direction his gaze fell.

When the other marines saw hundreds of people faint and just one boy standing behind them all they imedeatly yelled "GET THE BOY!" while then running to get him. But upon seeing them begin to give chase he ran but he saw two people that he knew from his father's crew, Shanks and Buggy. But the next events would be burned in his memory for years to come, When the two saw him and who was chasing him Buggy just stared and then turned away. While Shanks on the other hand pulled his straw hat over his eyes and walked away from the boy who was being chased.

When he tore his eyes away from the two that had just betrayed his trust in his father's crew, he did see a kid with black hair that was waving him down to an alley to seemingly hide. Seeing no other choice he ran to the kid and into the alley. When he reached the alley and dived behind a couple of boxes of trash he heard the boy talk. "Oi, what was all that about?" they said "they were chasing so I ran" Roger stated the obvious. The other boy then face-planted "No stupid why were they chasing you," "Oh, well I made a bunch of people faint! Don't know how though" roger said while now thinking. "Well I am Knuckle yes tha-" "WOW your name is Knuckle! that's such a cool name!" roger interrupted "Shut up! and yes that's my name."

For the next hour was the two boys just having some small talk, in the talk, Roger both introduced himself(not last name) and told Knuckle of his ambition to become a pirate. As they were about to leave, seeing as the coast seemed clear, Roger asked Knuckle a crazy question, well not ask "Join my crew! We're going to turn the world on its head!" "Become a pirate! why would I do that?" Knuckle asked with hesitation clear in his voice "We're going to have the best adventures!" With that Roger continued to walk. Knuckle paused for a moment before running after Roger.

South blue... one year later...

"AHHH boy it's nice to be home!" Roger commented while looking off the edge of the small ship that he and Knuckle had stolen to get back to his home.

While the trip would not normally take a full year to get to the south blue, Roger had forced them to stop at almost all of the islands that they saw for one reason or another, "it would have been faster if we did not stop at all of the islands!" Knuckle yelled while steering the ship, "BUT what if we found some more crew members! there was always the chance!" Roger said with a smile "And you can't say it wasn't fun!" "FUN?!?! We were run out of most of the islands because of you messing with the marines and them then chasing us!" As he yelled he then pulled into the dock and unboarded with Roger.

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