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/// the slash represents flashbacks!!!!

Gaga sighs deeply, she rubs her knees nervously as she sits cross legged in the leather seat of the black suburban. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to tell Howard Stern everything about the rape thing she suffered when she was 19.
The shitstorm that was about to happen.
Her phone is buzzing for attention, almost like one of the vibrators she has at home.
-"You hungry?"-, Bobby asks curiously; the popstar shrugs as they pull up on a drive thru, junk food midday snack. -"Are you okay? You seem very quiet", he mumbles, Gaga nods -"I think I fucked up Bobby....I shouldve never talked about it", her voice breaks and her green eyes water, -"Why do you think that turkey?" Bobby holds her hand and she pulls it back, -"Because....I'll be even deeper in the media shit I'm already in, gossips will ignite and spread like wild fire and my fans and-and TAYLOR my God...Taylor", -"Have you told Taylor about it?", Gaga nodded -"He knows...its just not his favorite topic to talk about...naturally" she shrugs as Peter takes in for the greasy fast foos they just ordered, -"Lets go home girly", Gaga nods weakly and they head to her condo. The screen of her trusty white iPhone lights up, message from: T♡ "Great interview baby", she smiles slightly and unlocks it, then typing back, -"Thank u, how r u xx", Gaga throws the phone away and peeks into the Burger King bag. ///// FLASH BACK ///// -"Where to Coleen?", a young Stefani Germanotta stumbles out of a bar stuffing some dollars into her wallet, Starlight orients herself and points left, -"Its right this way...Did you fixed your disco bra? We have to wear them tonight", The tiny brunette nods and sucks her newly lit cigarette, -"Sure thing, I just hope men are not so pervy over there ughh"; Starlight chuckles -"Comes with the job". The night feels cold and Steffi holds onto her cheap faux fur jacket, -"Bad night to wear a leotard", Coleen looks at her friend and tilts her head, -"Are you nuts, woman??? Youre gonna freeze yo ass out here!!", Stefani shakes her head and shrugs -"I"ll be okay" ...So much for Okay. //END FB// Gaga was staring at the ceiling, she had locked herself in her bedroom with Asia and was cursing herself for telling the whole world about her situation, -"What is going on with me..."she asked herself; her green eyes sweating salty tears; she suddenly remembered...His dirty hands, whisky breath...his heavy breathing and his clammy thighs forcing her legs open. Gaga now found herself sobbing, muffling her whimpers with her hand and drowning at the same time. She sat up on the bed and buried her face between her manicured hands, crying uncontrollably, alerting the people that were hanging out at the living room. ////FB//// -"I dont like this place" Coleen said, holding Stefani's hand tight, -"You wanna go home?", Starlight shook her head softly, -"Meh, we'll just do our set and bounce off okay", Stefani nodded and moved forward with her friend in hand. Feeling the gaze of devious nasty eyes on them, the girls proceeded to announce themselves and just get it over with. Work and leave. Good money. ///END FB/// Bobby Campbell's eyes grew wide at the sound of Gaga crying, -"Gags?" He punched the door with his fist, -"I'm Okay just leave me the fuck alone god DAMMIT CAN'T I BE A LONE FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND?!?!?!", the sudden rage outburst wasnt new when Gaga was upset, so Bobby understood the situation. He immediately texted Taylor, requesting him to call his girlfriend asap. ///FB/// -"SOOO glad we got over this" Starlight said, -"Yeah...damn what a night....500$is not bad sister!", Starlight laughed as they made their way back home, -"Hey Star, Luc asked me to come over so...I'm parting ways here okay?", Coleen smiled wide -"Are you two gonna fuck?", Gaga nodded -"Most likely, don't wait up okay?", Coleen laughed loudly and waved good bye, Gaga blew a kiss and strutted down the sidewalk. It was almost 2am on a Wednesday so not many people were up; the road to Lucs apartment was tricky, lots of alleyways through dangerpus areas. Luckily, everyone knew the dainty brunette already and treated her good. Fifteen minutes into her night walk, Stefani heard footsteps behind her but didn't paid much attention. Twenty minutes in...steps got closer, she tried accelerating the pace but the stripper shoes werent helping. Her breathing got labored and her vision blurry, -"No" she thought, as two strong hands wrapped her head covering her mouth. /END FB//// Taylor punched his girlfriend's phone number into his blackberry and waited...the line opened upon the fourth ring, -"Hello", she had been crying and was wiping her dripping nose, -"Stefani...whats wrong baby??? People are worried", -"T...Its nothing, I'm okay just-", -"Is it this whole interview thing? Oh baby", Gaga nodded as if he could see her, -"Its all coming back now...its worse than when I told you", -"I know, I know...Do you wanna talk about it?", Gaga shook her head, -"Not really...I just wanna be alone and these fucking people are bustingmy balls", Taylor chuckled -"Temper temper my gummy bear", Gaga giggled softly, -"I just...I'm feeling overwhelmed. Thas it, like..I'm having flashbacks and I can just SEE his face and his smell and ugh. Makes me sick", Taylor nods, he just wants to wrap his arms arouns her and cuddle her to sleep; -"You know I love you no matter what, you're the air that I breathe, every moment I'm awake I feel blessed because I get to be with an angel like you, I get to see your face and hold you in my arms, I get to talk to you and kiss you and I swear Stefani, I will protect you from anyone and anything that ever tries to hurt you", Gaga was in tears again,-"Taylor..." was all she could mutter, -"Shhh...You need to sleep, you need to relax and think about other things....remember we'll see each other next week, and we will spend a bunch of time together", he could sense her smiling, -"Okay...", -"Perfect....Now sleep, cuddle Asia close, pretend she's me but furrier" he laughed, -"I will, I love you so much", Taylor smiled -"I love you too my princess".

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