billie was performing at Coachella on a hot summer day. she had millions of people in the crowd but one, just one, stood out. you may be wondering how was this person who was looking truly fabulous in this crowd? it was the ex-president trump. his penguin stance was very prominent and the glitter on his cheeks was glimmering in the sunlight. he had been wearing a crop top which was shredded at the bottom, booty shorts, and a flower crown. billie had to look away from this gorgeous man because he pussy was on fire. the performance was going well, but billie just couldn't stop thinking about him. she needed to see where he was hoping that she hadn't lost him. she looked among the crowd but there was no sign of him. this caused a panic but then she had a brilliant idea. what if she called him upon stage. then she'd get a closer look. she called to the crowd "EVERYONE DID U SEE THE MAN WITH GLISTENING GLITTER ON HIM HE NEEDS TO COME ON STAGE." suddenly someone shouted "HES HERE" she looked down into the sea of people and he was looking right in her eyes. he knew what he had to do. he ran up to the stage frantically and as soon as he got there she moaned into the mic. he was the most gorgeous man she had truly ever seen. then she grabbed his waste and they started to dance, her track playing in the back round. suddenly trump lifted her up into an upside down stance and she felt like her past experiences meant nothing. this was the only moment that matter. it was THE moment