part 5 | both povs-

561 9 10

Hi peoples I made ANOTHER PARTTTTT :D BE HAPPY. >:]

always remember - TW - blood, somehow fighting, kissing???...

( = Wilbur  [ = quackity

Alex / quackity pov.

It was awkward for me to drink the water. So I chugged it.


[shut up wilbur.

(fight me bitch.


I punched the hell out of him. His nose started bleeding

[awwweee you gonna cry

Instead he pulled out a knife...grabbed my waist..and put the knife up to my scarred neck..


He looked me in my eyes and slid the knife by my cheek..

(oh alex...~

I stood there red as fuck..


(aw..someone's red...

Dumbass he was blushing aswell..

[fuck it

I kissed him..his eyes widened as I did that...I was surprised when he kissed me back..he bit my bottom lip..I denied

Wilbur pov.
I was VERRYYYY he does love me...:]

Hi umm olii HI BYE


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