Chapter 1

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  It's only a couple months until the end of my first year at UA high. My classmates and I have made a lot of improvement with our quirks over this past school year, but of course all good things must come to an end. Almost like it was never meant to be....

---Two weeks ago---

It was what felt like a normal day, sun was shining and birds were chirping, it was days like this when bad things happen, days like this, that were supposed to be seemingly perfect and happy.

I woke up to the sound of yelling, mother and father were fighting again, they used to hide it when I was younger, but now they don't bother. They just fight about their own problems and all I have to do is do my school work and stay out of it. But it wouldn't matter if I asked about it anyways, mother would always say that it was nothing, and to not worry about it but father would just scoff and walk into an other room, pretending to not hear my question. I knew the reason they were fighting though, it was about me, father says that being gay made me less of a man and wanted to send me away to get "fixed" while mother said that it shouldn't matter if I liked guys and that I was still their son.

But aside from that, this morning was pretty great, father didn't make any rude remarks when I walked out the door and the walk to school was quite peaceful, however nothing could have prepared me for what was waiting for me in the classroom just minutes away.

When I walked into class I immediately knew something was off, there wasn't the usual chatter, no one was joking around or laughing (Bold is Denki talking italic is someone else) "What's going on guys, why is everyone so quiet?" As it was unusually quiet as I've said before "It's Midoriya" said todoroki, finally answering my question, but it proposed a new one. What was wrong with him?

"What's wrong with him? Is he alright?"
"He..umm..he left.."

Word count:361
A/N: hope you guys have a wonderful day and stay hydrated:))

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