Chapter 2

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(⚠️Pervy doctors. If the idea makes you uncomfortable, the next chapter is just like this one but without the pervy doctors! Only that this version is what actually happened⚠️)

I hate it here.. I hate it here! I HATE IT HERE. Everyone’s mean and gross. None of the other kids want to play with me... They all think I’m weird.. The doctors make me swallow the gross jelly bean when I don’t want to. And then after I swallow them, I feel woozy and tired, then I fall asleep. They hit me when I don’t want to eat and when I don’t want to sleep. They also make me put on what they call a “straight-jacket” but it makes it so I can’t move.

“Stay still you little brat!” The doctor yelled at me. “I don’t want to put it on!” I yelled back as I ran around the room they kept me in. It wasn’t until the doctor slapped me across the face that I fell and hit the floor. I placed a hand on my cheek which now had a red mark on it. I felt tears form in the corners of my eyes due to the pain. I then felt the doctor pick me up by both my arms, holding them above my head and slam me against the wall. I tried kicking but the doctor only gave a sickening grin before he placed his hand on the side of my belly, or what mom would call my waist. I didn’t like the way he was touching me. His hand went to where my thigh was before his walkie-talkie made a loud static sound. He groaned in annoyance before dropping me and grabbed the walkie. “Yeah?” He asked. Nothing but static was heard. The doctor looked at me before picking me up and slamming me to the wall again. “You tell anyone about what happened, and I swear that you will not like what I do to you.” He spoke loud and stern. It scared me.
It seemed that he had given up on puting the straight jacket on me. He picked up the jacket and left the room, locking me inside.
I felt warm tears on my cheeks when I realized that I had been crying. I curled up in a corner and hugged my knees.
….I’m scared…
(End of flashback)

But on the bright side, I do have one friend here! His name is Arlo and he’s very nice! He’s also 10 years old, and has short brown hair, and these pretty blue eyes! We play every day if we can.

One day, Arlo asked me why I was here, I told him that the dumb grown-ups thought I killed my mommy but it was really daddy. I said that I missed her and then he hugged me! It felt so nice to be in someone’s arms again. It reminded me of mommy.. But for someone who’s always sitting on the floor he’s very warm. He let go and I asked him why he was here. He looked away for a moment and then looked back at me. He said that he accidentally burned down the foster home he was living in and everyone said he did it on purpose. He started tearing up, “I lost all my friends.. and the grown-ups said it was all my fault..” was all I could hear from him. I gently pulled him into a hug, “No no.. it’s okay.. it wasn’t your fault..” I told him “The adults think that they’re always right but that's not true. They want to blame it all on us because they know we can’t stand up for ourselves..” I made Arlo look at me so I was able to wipe his tears away. I hugged him and let him cry. I felt so sorry for him…
After a while, I noticed he had fallen asleep so I dragged him back inside. Man he’s heavy…

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