First Time?

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  This story is for George! Thanks for giving me a story to write!  

  I heard the doorbell ring, and I immediately perked up. I've spent the last few hours cleaning and organizing for my girlfriend to come over. I got up from the couch and quickly opened the door. "Hey Sally!" "Hi! Your house is so nice!" I thanked her before I opened the door wider to let her in. 

  As soon as she stepped into the house, she started looking around... EVERYWHERE. "It's nice inside to! Do you mind if I look around?" I just smiled and nodded. She grinned as she started snooping. Every inch of my house was searched by her, until at some point she got to my room. 

  I started to get nervous. My room may look normal, but there's things in it I rather not have to explain to her.. She finished looking at my clothes in my closet, then turned around to my dresser. She started to walk over to it when I grabbed her hand. "Uhm.. D-don't open the drawer please." I blurted out. She stared at me for a few seconds before she grinned again. This grin was different though, it made me shutter. I knew exactly what she was going to do. She put her hand on mine, and I let her go. She then turned back to the drawer and started to giggle. "What's in it huh? Is it something weird? Or maybe it's something for you during alone time.. Haha" She looked me dead in the eye. I started to sweat. "Seriously though, if you want me to feel comfortable, I have to make sure you're not hiding something from me.." She placed her hand on the handle of the drawer. 

  I almost jumped out to stop her, but it was to late. She pulled open the drawer and started to dig inside. She hesitated before pulling out my air pump. I could feel my face heat up as I blushed.  "Oh.. Hm, what do you use this for?" She asked. I tried to explain myself but it came out as a stutter instead of actual words. "Aw, come on now, don't make me guess!" She sighed, then started looking around my room again. "I don't see anything in here you'd need this for.." She got up really close to me, and put her hand under my shirt. "Unless.." I could feel her warm hands on my flat belly. "Is it for this?" My face grew even redder, which was good enough of an answer for her. 

  She grabbed me by the shirt and pushed me onto the bed. She then grabbed some rope I had in the drawer to tie me up to the headboard. "Be a good boy and don't squirm." She whispered before she shoved the pump into me. I whimpered for a moment before I started getting use to the feeling. She then started to pump air into me. I could feel it filling me up slowly, eventually the air started pushing against my belly. She stopped for a second to lift my shirt up, rubbing my still flat belly before she started pumping again, this time she went faster. 

  My belly started to expand, I was starting to feel tight and full.. But it was a pleasure of mine. She stopped when my belly was about the size of a football. "Oh look how bloated you are.. I think you can hold more though.. Hm?" I nodded. She rubbed the side of my belly, making me tug on the rope in both discomfort and pleasure.  She started to pump air into me again. I watched as my belly got bigger and bigger, my skin feeling tighter and tighter. I felt like I was about to pop. "B-babe..? I don't think I can hold much more..." My belly was bigger than a basketball at this point. 

  She put down the pump and started rubbing my belly again. "You must feel so tight and round.. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you!" She patted my giant belly, making me whimper. This is the best.. Thank you secret drawer..

  Hey! If this isn't your story, don't worry! I will get to everyone's! Thanks guys, I hope you enjoyed this one. ;)

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