Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Harry's POV:

I've always made it a priority of mine to address every fan that it is in my power to address as I'm walking on the streets. Most of the time it's a very rewarding experience. And then there's times like today that make it a pain in the rear end.

She was gone. I had to let her disappear. I signed all the autographs and posed for all the pictures. Smiling when all I really felt like was puking. 

It's a gut wrenching feeling knowing you've let someone walk, or in Melodie's case, run, out of your life without saying goodbye. Someone who you saw potential in. Not necessarily romantically either. Just someone who you really want to be close to. Someone who you want to fix.

I had one of the best nights of my life with her Sunday. She was so easy to talk to and so intriguing. Plus, she seemed to be interested in the real me. Not what I let the public see. There was genuine interest in her eyes. Like she didn't just want to know things about me so she could go tell her friends or so she could have inside information on me that other fans didn't. She listened and absorbed what I was saying, nodding and commenting at all the appropriate times. She was an excellent listener. 

She talked to me like a normal lad. Not like the "famous" Harry Styles. Gah, I hate that word. Famous.

And hearing about her life, the few details I could fish out, was amazing. She was fascinating and constantly surprised me. My personal favorite was her story about her fear of pigeons.

I had tried all week to contact her. I called, texted, even stopped by the diner a few times, but she was never on that particular shift.

I saw that magazine article Monday morning and kicked myself. How could I have been so careless? I should have known the paps would pull a stunt like that. I had really hoped they wouldn't scare her off. And yet, I fear they had.

The insinuations in it could be hurtful to someone who wasn't used to having their privacy ripped from their clutches. I really should have warned her. Or done something. Anything different that what I did.

I hoped with all my might that her phone just fell in the toilet or something. Something other than the fact that she just didn't want to see me.

Seeing her run from me and look at me like I was a serial killer had really solidified the fact that she was purposefully avoiding me.

I went through the rest of the day feeling as though I had lost a war. Eventually, Louis pulled me into an alley that we started to pass on our way back to the hotel.

"Harry, what's wrong? Usually, meeting the fans makes you seem high, not like a mopey drunkard." he questioned as he put his hands on my shoulders, trying to get me to look at him. I gave in to his attempts and looked him square in the eyes.

"She was there, Louis. She's gone. She ran from me, like I had the plague or something," I whispered, figuring that I shouldn't try to hide anything from Louis. He'd find out eventually. "I'll probably never find her again. She doesn't want to see me." I ducked my head once more.

"Hey!" he shouted, almost blowing my ear drums out.

"Ouch, Louis! What!?" I exclaimed, questioning his sudden outburst.

He poked my chest and began his pep talk, "Where did my happy-go-lucky best friend go? Who are you and what did you do with him? I want him back!" he ranted.

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