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Have these
⚠️Trigger warnings⚠️
Small injurys
Almost drowning
Some strong language

If you think anything should be added let me know! Love you all

Chapter 1
The Hill And The Rapids

It was morning and Camilo was laying in bed trying to get some much needed rest from running around town the prior day. He had shoved all his chores, and Mirabel's into one day so, that he could get the week off to spend time with Mirabel, as it had been so incredibly long since they had spent time together. Don't get him wrong, he loved Mirabel, but with all his responsibilities and time being consumed by the expectations of Abuela Alma and the town folk, time to do as he pleased was scarce. Luckily, times have changed since the fall of Casita. Mira was able to somehow convince Abula to relax a bit. Even with that, he still had a lot of chores so he was tired by the end of it.

He soon got up when Casita shined a stage light at him from the stage in the middle of his room.

He yawns and smiles tapping the wall in response to the action.

"Morning casita, Mirabel must be awake if you are. I'm going to see if I can spook her." He smiles and gets dressed and goes to mirabels room to wait for her to leave her room. He had to start the day off with a bang, and scaring his favorite cousin is the best way to do so, at least in his opinion.

Mirabel had woken up before Camilo did, as she always woke up early to be the one to wake everyone else up. It had been that way for years and the brunette didn't seem to mind it. In fact she seems to enjoy the activity as she did it everyday, unless she felt sick or extra tired, and in that case she had Casita wake everyone.

The girl always had some sort of attachment or connection, for lack of better words, to the magical house. The reason was soon reviled after the house was rebuilt. She was going to be the next candle holder, what an honor no? Well yes, but that responsibility was a lot to take in, but even still, the girl finally got the miracle she was waiting on.

She didn't even get the chance to even take a full step, outside of her room after she got ready before she felt someone grabbing her from behind and lifting her up, as the person yelled something. Out of reflex, she let out a loud scream, and tried to get away from the person's hold, but soon calmed down after realizing it was Camilo.

"Ay Cami! You almost gave me a heart attack!" She yelled as she smacks the top of the older boys head. Honestly though, she missed his antics, she missed everything the dork did.

"Oh don't be so dramatic, plus if you did I wouldn't have my twin anymore, and I'd miss you too much, but I bet you did get spooked!" He let her down and shape-shifted into Mirabel, leaned against her dramatically and put the back of his palm against his forhead.

"Oh whoa is me, frightened by my own twin sister, I feel so betrayed, now she owes me a great debt. She must make it up to me, Mirabel Madrigal, the future candle holder"

Mirabel chuckled and rolls her eyes before shoving him off. She smiles at the twin remark. She missed it, when they were both younger, Camilo would shape-shift into Mirabel and pretend to be her twin and they would go around confusing the town people. It was one of the many antics they got up to when they were younger.

"Oh shut up, I wasn't that scared, and yea what will you do to make it up to me? Señor " she asked putting her hand on her waist.

Camilo smiles and pulled her into a side hug and took out a notebook. "I have a wonderful day planned for you, my twin. Will she/them join me on a picnic at our old treehouse in the woods after a walk to enjoy the scenery?"

Mirabel gasped and slightly stomps her feet a bit in response. An entire day with her favorite cousin!? Hell yea! She'll take the offer, making up for lost time is just what she needs and it seems Camilo was way ahead of her on that.

"¿De verdad?! How did you manage to swing that? Don't we have chores to do?
!?" She asked while moving from the side hug to look at him.

"We did but guess what? I did them all yesterday so now, we don't have anything left to do, now all we have to do is to go downstairs, get our breakfast to go, and leave!" He said happily.

Mirabel practically sequels with joy and took Camilos hand and began to drag him down the stairs. Camilo missed a few steps and almost fell over but was able to keep his balance.

He chuckled and smiles at her reaction and let her take him to the kitchen. A few of the other family members smile seeing them enter the kitchen and Pepa chuckled as she watched Mirabel drag her oldest son into the kitchen.

"Be back by sunset! You guys be careful! Remember to watch Mirabel, Camilo, if she gets hurt it's on you!" Pepa said ruffling his hair.

Camilo gave a thumbs up as he grabbed a backpack and two bags of food from the counter. "I know Mama, I'll protect her, I promise she'll be fine , we both will be ok!" He smiles as they got outside he fixed his runa and hair again.

"Everyone said I have to 'make sure you don't get hurt.' He said quoting the others nagging from the previous day. "I'm more responsible than they give me credit for, plus you can take care of yourself." He said holding the bag of food. "I have your mom's arepas anyway, we'll be fine." He said leaning against the wall of the house

Mirabel chuckled and ruffled his hair again. She appreciated the concern of the rest of the family, it was refreshing.
"They're just worried Camilo, and I'm sure everything will be fine, don't worry about it so much. She said as she watched him fix his hair again.

"Yea, I guess, that makes sense... ok let's go before we lose more daylight." He put his hand out and bows. "Let me lead the way, future candle holder "

Mirbel rolls her eyes and chuckled while taking his hand. Camilo then pulled her along side him. They walked through town and get greeted by a few town people before they eventually make it to the edge of the woods. Before Camilo could say anything though, mirabel taps his shoulder and screams "Race you!" before running into the woods.

Camilo laughed and ran after her. This is not the response he expected but oh well."Whoa! Slow down! This isn't a race! This is supposed to be a nature walk!" He yelled. "If you fall, I'll laugh!" Now that was a lie, he would probably cry, freak out and ask her if she was ok. He cared about her way to much to laugh at her.

Despite his efforts to keep her from falling, she kept running. Honestly it all happened so quickly. As she ran, Mirabel lost her balance and slipped, she fell to the side and screams when she noticed that the hill they were walking by, was much steeper than she thought. She fell down the hill, getting hit by multiple rocks and twigs on the way down before being tossed right into the water.

"MIRABEL!" Camilo watched in horror as his cousin/twin sister fell down the cliff. So many things passed though his mind .He promised her he would keep her safe and it only took 20 minutes for this to happen, now he understands why his mother was worried.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and without hesitation tightens the backpack and slid down the cliff and jumps into the water after her. He took a deep breath and struggled to stay afloat but he knew he couldn't get rid of the backpack as it had everything he needed to heal Mirabel after this. He eventually made it of her side and grabbed a hold of her, and held onto her as he tried to keep her from getting hurt any further. He was at least able to shift into Luisa and held onto her as they were thrown side to side by the water but eventually he hit his head got knocked out, and eventually they were thrown off a small waterfall into calmer water and shoved onto the shore.

That's it for this chapter, I'll post the next one soon!

 {Encanto} From East To West Then Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now