Chapter fourteen : Tochuu

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"Papa, I wish we could have a white Christmas this year!"

Jun turned to his children and smiled. "You wish it was cold enough to snow?" he asked. "With those coats, you would for sure freeze your knees off!"

Nino laughed, opening the barrack door for them to walk inside. "So what is this about making treats for your teachers this year?" he asked the children.

"The class decided that we wanted to bake cookies for our teachers!" Charlie explained, shedding his coat. "If we have the rations, that is."

"Sugar and eggs are hard to come by anymore," Jun said as he helped Samantha with her coat. "If you got them for all the teachers, that would be pretty difficult."

"Miss Kitagawa said she would ask the soldiers for enough," Samantha told him.

Charlie hung up his coat and stood in front of Nino, holding his arms out. Laughing, Nino handed him the Christmas Sears and Spiegel catalogues. Quickly, all homework was forgotten as the three children gathered on the bed and talked excitedly about what Santa might bring them this year.

Jun frowned. "You would think by now that this place would feel like home by now," he muttered to Nino.

Nino only shrugged. "To them, it might be slowly becoming that way."

Now that Christmas was coming up, the usual Christmas events began to reappear from last year. The Christmas Dance had already been planned out, and Yuki and Charlie decided that, for their birthdays this year, they wanted to celebrate together. They were both going to be six, although Charlie was a full ten days older than Yuki. Jun was surprised that Charlie wanted to celebrate it since the year before, Charlie wanted nothing to do with his birthday. Jun had suspected that it had to do with Charlie still missing his mother, so now he was thrilled that he wanted a birthday celebration. "Maybe he's finally gotten over what happened!" Jun had told Satoshi.

Christmas gifts were picked out, and the women began ordering more fabric than they had before so they could create new clothes for the growing kids and new baby that was sure to come soon. As much as Mai loved Christmas, though, lately she seemed too tired or too much in pain to do much of anything else besides sit in bed and knit. Her stomach had gotten so big that every time she sat down she had to reach over just to eat. "Masaki was a big baby too," Mrs. Aiba told Mai one night at dinner. "I bet he'll be just as big and handsome as his father."

"But what if it's a girl?" Ayumi asked her. "Then she'll still be as big as her papa, right?"

The girls laughed, and for that Nino was thankful for them. Ayumi, Natsumi, and Mao, they all seemed determined to help their friend as much as they could by getting her mind off of things by talking about baby clothes and names. "What names have you been thinking of?" Mao asked.

"Me and Masaki have kind of talked about it," Mai said. "We're both undecided. We like the name Katsurou, with the kanjis for 'victory' and 'son,' and the name Daichi for 'grand first son.'"

"Both very fitting!" Natsumi smiled. "Any English names or just Japanese?"

"We both really like the name Thomas or Kenneth to go with it. We'll just have to wait until he's born to see which name he looks like."

"What about a girl?"

Mai smiled brightly this time. "Actually, we're pretty unanimous about this name."

"Really?! What is it?"

Mai looked over at her brother, who was eating his rice, before she answered. "We want to name her Koharu."

Sho began coughing as he tried to dislodge the rice that was choking him from surprise. Mai handed him his glass of water, which he gladly took and drank before he looked at his sister. "Ko... Koharu?"

Mai nodded. "We both know how much you miss Haru," she explained. "And she was a great friend and sister to me. She meant so much to me. We want our daughter to grow up to be just as kind hearted and spirited as Haru-chan was."

Sho was dumbfounded. He stuttered for a second before bowing his head to her. "Thank you. I feel honored that you would want to do that."

Nino smiled to himself before looking back at Satoshi. Christmas seems to have helped them make up finally, he thought. This is wonderful news. I need to write to Masaki about this as soon as I get home!


Jun and Sho decided that this year, they would go to Parker to pick out the Christmas tree instead of having everyone go at once. That meant that everyone else had the chance to talk Christmas gifts and start decorating the barrack before they came back and before the children got back from school.

When they got back, Jun handed Nino a bouquet of flowers. "I got them in town for Mao," he said. "I'll set up the tree here, but can you go deliver them to her?"

Nino frowned. "Why do I have to do it?" he complained before taking the bouquet of flowers. Nino walked his way up to the schoolhouse and went inside trying to find Mao's classroom. He found her and her class eating lunch inside, so he let himself in. "Hello Miss Inoue."

Mao looked up, surprised. "Nino!" she said. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping Jun be a romantic person," he explained as he handed her the flowers. "He couldn't deliver them himself. He's setting up the Christmas tree so the kids can decorate it when they get home."

Mao blushed, taking the flowers. "They're beautiful," she said smiling. "I guess I'll have to come see him tonight, won't I?"

Nino nodded. "That might be best."

"Hey, Charlie! Who's going to help you bake the cookies this year for the teachers?" Nino and Mao heard a little boy ask nearby as they ate.

They looked over as Charlie shrugged. "I don't know," he answered. "Probably Papa. But Mr. Nino's really good at cooking too. I don't know who to ask yet."

"Why don't you ask your mama for help?" another friend asked.

"I don't have a mama," Charlie told him.

"EEHH?!" both kids exclaimed. "You don't have one?"

"Well I do, but she moved away to Japan."

"And left you here?" the first boy asked. "Why did she leave you?"

"Doesn't she love you?" the second boy added.

"Baka! If she loved him, she wouldn't have left him now would she?"

"So she left because she didn't love him?"

"That's not true!" Charlie defended. "Mama does love me!"

"Then why did she leave?" his friends asked. "It's only natural that she left you because she didn't love you!"

"That's a lie!"

"It's not a lie! Who would leave their baby behind? Only someone who doesn't love you would do that!"

"Kenichi! James!" Mao called out. "That is enough from you two!"

Nino watched Charlie, who had his head bowed so that his friends wouldn't see his crying. He went over to him and poked his cheek to make him look up. "Hey," he told Charlie. "How about me and you ditch this school for the rest of the day? Papa's got the Christmas tree all set up, and you could get an early start on it. I don't think Miss Mao would mind all that much."

Charlie looked up at him, biting his lip as he nodded.

Nino grabbed his school books as Charlie put his lunch back in his pail. Walking over to Mao, Nino explained. "I'm going to take him home," he explained. "Any homework he has, could you give to Sammy or Yuki?"

Mao nodded. "I'll come by later to check on him."

When Nino got back to the barrack with Charlie, immediately Jun seemed shocked and perhaps a little angry. "Why did you bring him back?" he asked. "What did he do?"

Nino pulled him aside. "He was being picked on at school for not having a mother," he said. "They were saying he doesn't have a mom because she didn't love him enough to stay."

Jun froze. Finally, after a minute, he went over to his son and sat him down on his lap. "Charlie," he said. "What those kids said isn't true. You have to believe that. Your mama loves you."

"Then why did she leave?" Charlie asked. "If she loves me, then why did she leave me and Samantha and you?"

Jun tightened his arms around his son. "Charles," he began. "Mama left because of Mama. You had absolutely no impact on her decision to leave. She loves you and probably misses you so much, but she felt like it would be better for her in Japan."

Charlie looked at his dad. "Will she come back? Even if you marry Miss Mao, will Mama still come back?"

Jun nodded. "I bet she will. Where she is in Hiroshima is a safe place. There's never any news in the papers about bombings there. I bet Hiroshima will be untouched, and then she'll come back here to visit you."

"I hope so," Charlie said. Taking a deep breath, he lay his head against his father's shoulders and seemed to be instantly calmed down. Jun looked up at Nino, giving him a silent 'thank you' before wrapping his arms around his son protectively.


"Ah," Satoshi said surprised when he walked up the barrack and saw Nino sitting on the steps. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you," Nino answered. "How are those camouflage nets coming along?"

Satoshi yawned and sat next to Nino, groaning from slight pain as he rubbed his shoulders. "That's a lot of hard work," he answered. "You are standing up all day, cutting strips of paper, loading them into a crate, and then carrying them over so they can be attached. My arms are so sore, but I know that if I worked out in the farming fields it wouldn't be any better."

"You should be thankful for the job," Nino told him. "You're showing your patriotism by helping."

"I know, but still. I'm exhausted."

Nino replaced Satoshi's hands with his own, rubbing his back and shoulders in smooth circles trying to release the tension buildup. "Maybe you can go back to the woodshop or something. Or you could try your hand at cooking. They're always looking for helping hands."

"Yeah, but the pay isn't nearly as good. If I'm going to have any sort of finances or life when I get out of here, I need to have some money."

Nino's hands froze for a second as he heard Satoshi talk. "What do you mean by that?" he asked gently. "'If I'm going to have any sort of life'?"

Satoshi turned around to look at him. "We've been together a year already," he said truthfully. "We don't know how long we'll be here in this camp, and if we aren't accepted here I know for sure we won't be accepted back in Los Angeles. Sometimes... Sometimes I just wonder what will happen to us."

Gently, Nino lay his head on Satoshi's shoulders. "Nothing will happen to us," he told him. "Unless something drastic happens to me, I have no intentions on leaving you. Especially when we have the chance to go back." He reached up and kissed Satoshi's cheek, smiling. "I promise."

Satoshi smiled slightly. "I genuinely hope so."

"Have I ever given you reason not to trust me?"

"No, but lots of people have before."

"I'm not lots of people, Satoshi. I'm your boyfriend."

Satoshi grinned, wrapping his arms around Nino. "Well, I don't know about that," he teased. "As many times as we've shared a bed, we might as well be married now."

Nino laughed. "Yeah, as soon as you buy me a ring, old man. Now c'mon. I'm hungry, and if we don't get to the mess hall first, we'll lose out on all the good stuff."


"So you're not going to the dance again this year?" Jun asked as he helped Samantha button up her dress.

Satoshi shook his head. "No," he said. "Our relationship wouldn't be allowed."

Sho frowned. "Still," he replied. "You might like it."

"I'm not a big party person anyway," Nino replied, scooting closer into Satoshi's arms.

"Suit yourself," Mai shrugged before turning to the rest of the group. "We better go before we are late."

"You go on ahead," Jun replied as he put on his scarf. "I'm going to go pick up Mao and we'll meet you at the dance."

"Have fun!" Nino waved.

"Same goes for you!" Jun teased. "Don't make a mess."

"Just for you, Jun."

After everyone had left finally, Satoshi got up and made sure the door was completely closed before coming back to cuddle on the bed. Nino had never felt so warm and safe than when he was in Satoshi's arms.

Satoshi leaned over and kissed Nino, who immediately responded and moved his mouth in rhythm with his. Before they knew it, they had wrapped their hands around each other's waist as they leaned into each other's kiss.

"Kazu," Satoshi said, breaking off the kiss first. "I don't want to have sex tonight."

Nino failed to hide his surprise. It was usually that he and Satoshi did when they were alone, and usually Satoshi always initiated it.

Before Nino said anything, Satoshi continued. "It's Christmas Eve," he explained. "And for Christmas, the thing I want most is to just have you in my arms. If... If that's alright with you."

Trying to hide his small smile, Nino could only look up into his boyfriend's beautiful eyes before kissing his nose. "Of course it's alright," he said. "But why the sudden change?"

Satoshi bit his lip and held Nino closer to him. "I had a nightmare a few days ago," he said truthfully. "I had you with me, just like this, but we were in someplace green instead of desert. Then...." Satoshi swallowed and Nino saw just how hard this was for him. "Then I lost you. Just like that. You were in my arms, and you just disappeared."

Nino sighed, leaning up to kiss Satoshi gently before pulling away. "You are not going to lose me," he said. "I promise you. I will never leave you."

Satoshi looked at him for a minute before hugging Nino so hard that Nino could hardly breathe. But if Nino was honest, he didn't mind one bit.


Christmas day came and went. Mostly, everyone got new clothes and small little things like paints for Satoshi or notebooks for Nino. There was also a lot of candy that went around for everyone as part of their Christmas gifts as well.

"Oh, I have one more gift," Sho said, reaching over into a desk and pulling out an envelope. He handed it to Mai. "This came for you a few days ago. Sorry... I got a letter too explaining what was in this one, and I was given direct instructions from Masaki-san not to let you open it until today."

Mai froze but quickly took the letter and tore it open. Everybody became silent as she read the letter, waiting for her to say what it said. Suddenly, Mai smiled and burst into tears. "Masaki," she cried. "He's... he's coming home! For two weeks! He's leaving New Year's Eve and will be here for the baby to be born."

"Yay!" the children screamed, and the adults had just about as much excitement as the children. Nino couldn't hold in his happiness either.

Masaki would be home soon.


"No no NO!" Jun exclaimed dragging Nino and Satoshi out of bed. "You two are not going to be little hermits and hide in this barrack all night! You are going to this New Year's Party!"

"I don't want to!" Nino whined. "Why should I get dressed up for a place I have no desire to be?"

Jun threw Nino's suit at him and glared at him. "You are going," he said. "Otherwise, all you're going to be thinking about is every possible scenario for Masaki not to make it home alive! You've been doing it all day!"

"Because they are legit concerns!" Nino complained as Satoshi helped him get dressed into his dress shirt. "We don't know where he is! What if his plane gets shot down? What if his ship is sunk? What if the Japanese Navy take him prisoner?"

"You worry too much."

"Yeah because he's my cousin!" By now, Satoshi was helping Nino tuck his shirt into his dress pants. "He's my family! He's in Japanese invested waters!"

Jun finished tying his tie and sighed. "He is going to be fine! Stop worrying so much!"

"I'll stop worrying so much when he's here," Nino said as Satoshi finished tying his tie before helping Nino into his jacket. "You take care of me like a wife."

"Last time I checked, you were playing the role of wife," Satoshi told him before putting on his own jacket.

"Stop flirting and let's go please," Jun all but begged as everyone finally left the barrack.

The New Year's Party was to last all night, and the children were actually allowed to stay up past midnight which had not been permitted before. Everyone met in the mess hall dressed in their best clothes and decorations, and there was a band that was playing so people could dance and have a good time while they waited for the clock to turn twelve.

Ten minutes before midnight, Nino went to go get some punch and found Mai standing near the table looking like she was trying to catch her breath. "Are you alright?" Nino asked over the noise.

Mai looked up and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay," she answered. "Just... stress I think. My stomach is starting to hurt a little bit so I thought some food might help."

Gently, Nino grabbed Mai's elbow and led her to a table to sit down. "Relax for a little bit," he told her. "I'll get you some food, so just wait here."

As soon as Nino gave her a plate of food, Mai seemed to look a little bit better. Soon, Sho came over to see how she was. "The party is almost over," he assured her. "As soon as 'Auld Lang Syne' plays then we'll go back to the barrack and relax."

"Don't worry about me please," Mai told him. "I'm okay. Really!"

"Thirty seconds!" somebody called out as the crowd began to count.

Nino turned back to Sho and Mai. "I'm going to look for Satoshi," he said. "I'll come back in a bit." Quickly, he went and searched the crowd for his boyfriend, barely finding him in time for the final ten seconds. "I thought I lost you," Nino told him.

Satoshi smiled. "I thought you said I would never lose you."

Realizing what it meant, Nino hid his face in his elbow and resisted the urge to kiss Satoshi senseless.

"Four... three... two... one! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" the crowd exclaimed. Nearby couples held onto each other to kiss in the New Year, children hung onto their parents and hugged them until they couldn't hug any tighter, and Satoshi and Nino quietly held hands, knowing that they wouldn't be caught in the chaos.

"Happy new year," Nino told Satoshi.

"Happy new year," Satoshi answered back.

Nino looked over and saw Jun and Mao still dancing together, the children were dancing around together and trying desperately to sing along to 'Auld Lang Syne', and Nino looked back at Sho and Mai just in time to see Mai go pale and grab Sho's arm before she collapsed into her brother's arms.

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