Chapter 6

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King of Angels (Rin's Father)

Rin had disappeared again today. Into the forest doing whatever it is she does... she's a good girl. I shouldn't worry. Though I can't help being curious... Just as I'm thinking about this I see Gumi, Rin's good friend, walking by.

"Gumi," I called to her. She stopped and turned to look at me.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Do you happen to know what Rin's been doing in the forest everyday? I mean, I know she's walking but...everyday?" She seemed to hesitate but at the same time gave her answer quickly.

"She's been seeing the demon king, Sir. I'm sorry...I should've told you. She begged me not too, but I told her I wouldn't lie."

"Seeing him? What for? Why?" I was shocked by this, shocked that my daughter wouldn't tell me and shocked it was happening in the first place.

"She says she loves him...She's been seeing him a lot, and they've even kissed. With the way he holds her and looks at her who knows what more they've done..." Hearing this I was completely dumbfounded. Rin was always a good girl...never broke any rules.

"I-I have to find her...! He's pure evil, she's in danger."

I quickly flew towards the forest and found Rin. She hadn't noticed me. She stood at the edge of the border, not crossing, but about to. I dropped down and grabbed her before she could. She screamed in surprise while the demon watched me silently.

"F-Father!?" Rin gasped when she realized who I was, looking disappointed in herself.

"What's the matter? I haven't hurt her. Is a peaceful conversation wrong?" The demon gave a sickening grin. He seemed to be enjoying the situation. I ignored him and looked at my daughter instead.

"I forbid you see him ever again. Come with me, now!"

"No! I love him, please, it's not fair. He's kind, not evil." Rin begged. He's really got her tricked...

"Trusting him is not a wise choice." I turned leading her away with me, but she pulled out of my grip and ran to him. When I followed her I found I could not cross the border.


I ran away from my father and into Len's arms. How could I be caught like this? Gumi must've told...but I can't be angry. She warned this would happen.

"Won't he follow you?" Len whispered to me.

"No. He can't. None of them can but me." I said, "Remember when I told you I could control the border? I changed it just now. They can't reach me."

"Yes, I remember." Len seemed almost too happy to hear this.

"Don't trust him, Rin!" My father pressed against the border wanting desperately to take me home. "He's lying to you. He must be. You think you have the power to detect lies? He's the king of lies! He can lie to you whenever he wants without you knowing. Your power won't detect it. Every word he's said to you is likely a lie. He's using you for something. I've had encounters with him myself, Rin, but not the same as your situation. He's not the person he claims to be."

Hearing this shocked me. I had no idea. I pulled away from Len looking into his eyes for answers. He looked scared, like when Gumi told me he was king. How could I not know these things?

"It's the same as then, Rin... I-I was scared! Scared you wouldn't trust me if you knew. I'm sorry, please you have to believe me. I've never once lied to you. I should've told you. I know I should've...I'm sorry."

Some part of me told me my father was right. This man was a demon after all, it's very likely. Some part of me told me it was all a big lie. But the look in his eyes made me believe it, and I fell back into his arms.

"Thank you." He whispered this to me, "Let's go back to my cabin. You can stay there awhile."

"No...I don't want to go back home. Not ever. I want to stay with you. Live with you, in your castle." He smiled widely when I said that.

"Let's go then. I'll take you there."

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