The concert

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Hi guys hope you liked chapter 1 & 2 this is 3 hope you enjoy!


Raleigh and I hop into the 'Babe Mobile', a red mustang Raleigh got for her 17th birthday. We ride to the arena 10 minutes away. I plug in my I phone to the stereo system and play the 1D albums.we listen to about 3 songs and then arrive at the arena.

Inside there is a concession stand, a t-shirt booth and a gift shop. Since we already had tickets we got to go in early. The boys were on stage when we entered. "Oh my god." Raleigh whispered."Hi." Harry Said. " Hi!" We say at the same time. "Who are you two?" Louis says. "I'm Evie and this is Raleigh." I say. " I assume you know who we are." Harry says. "Yeah."Raleigh says. "Why don't you come over here?" Zayn says. Niall walks onto the stage with Liam behind. "Have ya seen me phone?"He says. "No,mate." Lou says. "Niall looks at me. I blush. He stares at me with his beautiful eyes. It feels as if time had stopped. "Hi, love, who are you?" Niall asks. "Hi,i'm Evie Jarrett,"I say "And this is my best friend Raleigh Carpenter." "That's Raleigh Everette carpenter, hi Harry."she winked. I smiled. "Are you watching the concert tonight?" Niall asks. "Yeah,we are really big fans."Raleigh says. "That's great,"Louis says,"Now would you like to help us rehearse?" "Yeah that'd be awesome!" We accepted. We sat down on the front row and listened. They sounded great as usual. We sang along. "Wow! You're really good singers." Liam says. "Thanks!" We say. "Where are your seats?" Niall asks. "Up there." I pointed to the balcony 30 feet up. "Don't go up there, stay down here with us, my treat. Harry says. "Thanks!" We say. We both run up on stage and give Harry a hug.

Niall's POV****

Wow she's gorgeous! I don't even know her and I already want to marry her. Her GORGEOUS blonde hair makes her big blue eyes sparkle. I love her,I hope she feels the same.

Harry's POV***

These girls seem awesome and Raleigh is really nice and Pretty. I think I want to get to know her. I should ask them out to dinner after the concert. I should go ask Niall. "Niall," I whisper, "we should take them to dinner after the concert." "That'd be lovely, let's do it!"he says. "Girls,"I say"would you like to go eat dinner with us after the show?" "Sure." Evie says. "We are staying at a hotel about 10 minutes away."Raleigh says. " Alright, we'll drop you off after dinner." I say. "Okay!" They agree to tag along."

***Evie's POV***

We accept to go eat dinner with the boys. The fans start to file in.The boys run off. Raleigh and I sit down. The chanting and screaming starts . "Are.You.Ready!?!"Harry screams. Earsplitting screams fill the stadium. Live while we're young begins to play. Niall looks at me then smiles. He looks so sexy! The song ends and they begin to sing little things the whole audience sings along. Niall stare at me through his solo. I smile and look at the ground. The boys play the entire take me home album and everyone starts to leave. Harry had given us back stage passes so we went back to there dressing room. They are dressed and ready to go. "Ready? Harry asks. "Yup." I say

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2013 ⏰

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