Chapter 3

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With Kai alone, he didn't know what to do but cry.
His tears fell as he thought of each of his friends and their deaths.
First Mei San.
Then Shan.
Now it's gonna be Jun.
Kai couldn't let that happen to Jun.
Kai gathered his strength and try to break the lock of the door.
Meanwhile with Wan Jun,
She was dragging Jun across the floor to somewhere. It was dark and Jun felt that he was about to chock to death due to Wan Jun pulling him around.
Jun was whimpering while being dragged by her.
After a while, she thrown him into an empty classroom.
Jun stayed there as he felt exhausted and scared to move.
He heard Wan Jun floating around to come after Kai.
"Don't..p-please" Jun mumbled.

Back to Kai, The managed to break to lock and swung the doors open widely and ran down.
"JUN! WHERE ARE YOU JUN!" Kai shouted as he desperately tries to find Jun.
As he was running something flew and hit him.
Kai fell and realised that the "something" was the Ouija Board.
The planchette violently moved across the board, repeatedly spelling the word:


Kai got up and kicked the planchette away as ran to each classroom to find Jun.
Kai sobbingly said "Jun, please be alright. Where are you Jun."

After a while he heard someone.
It sounded very familiar.
It was coming from the classroom.
He opened the doors and saw Jun laying on the ground feeling weak.
"JUN!" Kai exclaimed and went to hug Jun on the floor.
"K..Kai? Is that you?" Jun said softly.
"It's me Jun, are you hurt? You seem hurt? What can I do?" Kai said panickingly.

Before Jun could say something,
Wan Jun voiced, "There you are Kai Yan Chong."
Wan Jun stood at the door with her white eyes and torn uniform.
Suddenly, everything in the classroom started to float.
The chairs and tables were suspended in the air as Kai looked in freight.
Wan Jun scream loudly which pushed everyone and everything out of the classroom.
Kai and Jun were dangling from the window from the great force

"Kai...I can't hold on.." Jun stutterd.
"Stay Strong My Jun. Please. I'll pull you up when I get up"

Kai used his strength to pull himself up and pull Jun up.
Jun hugged him and said "I don't want to stay here...I'm so scared.."
Kai looked at him and kissed him.
"Hey, we'll get out of here. Stay positive you know?"

Jun smiled slightly and kissed Kai.
Both of them kissed and after a while, they decided to go find a way out.

"Jun, Stay with me all the way. No separating promise?"
"I promise Kai"

Both went out of the classroom quietly, fearing the Wan Jun would hear them.
They slowly went around the school to find the exit.
However, they realised that there was no exit.
At all.
"Are we trapped here? No right there's gotta be an exit!" Jun said panickingly.
"Hey, hey calm down Jun. We'll find a way out alright?" Kai reassured.
They both made eye contact with each other and cracked a smile.


Both of them became startled.
It was coming from one of the metallic lockers.

Kai slowly crept to it.
Upon Reaching, he opened it and saw Mei San inside.
"AHH DONT HURT ME!" Mei San screamed.
"Shh it's just us. Are you alright? Didn't you leave?" Kai questioned
"I couldn't find an exit and I heard a loud scream so I hid here." Mei San replied.
"Hey where's Shan? Is she with y'all?"

Kai stood there remembering that Shan died.
"Mei San...Shan is....dead."
"W-what? You're jo-joking right?" Mei San said as tears formed.
"She got decapitated by Wan Jun." Kai replied being serious.
"Wan Jun? Oh no..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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