Chapter One

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Chapter One

The sound of young adults yelling and loud music blaring was the only thing that could be heard from the small bus.

It was the placement students bus, where the smartest of the whole campus would ride. Unfortunately, Ashlin has been placed upon this bus.

She didn't like it. She, out of 15 adults, were going to New York City's finest college, Elk Grove.

William didn't really like being the only girl on the bus, especially since she was the most popular girl and the most stunning amongst every other girl in their school.

"Hey," A muscular voice sounded from beside her, causing her to look over at her best friend, Andrew Smith. "You want to share some buds?" He asked, taking his iPhone out and his ear buds.

"Sure." She replied, slouching into her seat. Smith handed over her half of the head set, watching her place it into her ear before turning on his iPhone and doing his code. '6352' he typed quickly.

"What do you want to listen to, Ashy?" He asked her, calling her his nickname for her, clicking his music app. "Any." Is all she spoke.

He turned on Fire and Fury by Skillet, watching her move her hand to the beat.

'Damn. If only she knew I picked this song cause its how I feel. If only.' He thought to himself. He turned to his side and looked at his other friends, hardly believing they made it here.

"Conner!" One yelled, throwing a paper air plane at the kid he had called for. "Alex!" The same boy yelled, throwing a wadded up piece of paper at him.

You could see the bus driver was getting pissed by this person's actions, being his head was down low and steam could basically be seen coming from his ears.

"Markus!" He yelled again, hitting Ashlin by mistake. She stood up, her ear piece falling out. "Hey!," She shouted, catching the boy off guard, "Why don't you sit the hell down, before I make you bite the dust! Got it! GOOD!" She screamed, everyone going "Ohhh".

"Awe, come on Ashlin. Everyone knows you have a secret crush on me, so just ask me out." He said, making a kissy face.

"Ha! As if I'd be with a small wiggling worm like yourself. I suggest you sit down hot shot." She crossed her arms over her breasts.

"Yeah, yeah. Ashlin, baby, come on. Just come over here and give me a kiss." He tried to act mature. She smirked, going past Andy and walking over to that worm.

He smirked before saying, "I knew you'd come around." "Yeah. I came over here to give you that kiss you so wanted." She giggled, moving her hair back and leaning towards him.

He puckered his lips, waiting for the kiss. She moved her fist back and nailed him in the face.

"Oh my god! She knocked out Drew!" Someone yelled. "Damn. She got strength." Another one pitched in. "She'd make a wonderful wife and mother." Another commented.

She walked back to her seat, causing her to get cat calls from everyone. The young feminine rolled her eyes, she used to this type of attention.

William scooted past Andrew, making heat rise to his cheeks. "Andrew, you alright?" Her face was right in front of his, her eyes gleaming worry.

"Eh!? Y-Yeah! I'm fine.. Just a little hot is all." He exclaimed, turning his head to hide his blood red cheeks.

Ashlin let out a giggle. "If you say so, Andy." She said in a singy-song way. "Stop it Ashy! You're making me blush!" He yelled, pulling his hood up and pulling the strings to hide his face.

"Awe. Sorry Andy." Her voice was soft, she looked at the window, sighing. 'Just you wait New York. This girl's gotta dream!' She mentally promised.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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