Unforgettable 。。。

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After our dinner, Naruto and I said our goodbyes at the front of the restaurant. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He rapidly waved his hand in the air while walking away. "See you" I say as I jump into my car. Then I remembered.. gosh, I have to go to the hospital. I smile a bit as I lean my back into the seat. I felt a bit.. happy. There's been multiple times where I was happy, but I felt even more joyful after that.. date. I let out a quick sigh and began to start up the car engine. I drove off to the hospital, playing music on my phone connected to the Bluetooth. After parking the car, I got out and headed straight to the hospital. Weird. I suddenly got some sort of strange feeling in my stomach.

I continue walking until I saw one of the nurses I knew run back and fourths. "Oh.. are you alright, Izumi?" Her eyes suddenly widened from the sound of my voice. "Sasuke.." She looked at me with her hands covering her mouth. "Your mom.. she.." She.. what? A voice in the back of my head kept repeating the same thing that I didn't want to believe. "She.. died.." My heart suddenly dropped. "You're joking.. right?" I raise my voice at the end as I felt the urge of running to the room. "I'm not.." She says in a quiet voice. She's lying.. "You're.. you're lying! You said she had one more month!" I suddenly ran past her, towards the room my mother was waiting in. "Sasuke, wait!" She shouted yet I ignored.

She's lying. She's lying. Was the only thing repeating in my head. I charge through the nurses, hearing my heart thumping rapidly through my ears. I finally reached my destination. I push the door open to see 3 nurses surrounding her. "..Sasuke, leave!" A nurse pulled me from behind. "Let me go!" I shout in anger. The beeping monitor showed.. only a straight line. I felt my eyes water up as I realised that she actually.. "Get your hands off me!" I shout. "Knock him out" I hear someone say. "Wait-"

The Next Day
Naruto's POV

Gah! Another day at school. I felt happier than ever after that ramen bowl. And I'm even more happy now that no one's asking me if I'm dating Mr Sasuke! Now that I think about it, where is he? He's normally the first one to greet me every morning! I wander through the halls, feeling like a badass after coming third place in maths. Ha! And the fact that I beat Sakura! It's even better! Thinking of the devil, there she is! I dance up to her like some ballerina. "Hey~" I wink to see her snarl and roll her eyes after. "Came to brag about how you came third place?" She asked. "Yup!" I smile as she let out a small sigh. "Well, you do you.." She smiled. "Mr Sasuke is absent today" She says out of the blue. "Oh.. really?" I say, feeling a bit down. "Yeah, he must've been embarrassed about everyone being at your date yesterday" She shrugged her shoulders. "You were there?" She flinched and quickly pushed him away. "Uwah!" He flew back. "I wasn't there! Maybe...? Alright, I was" She rolled her eyes and helped him up.

"Eh.." He rubbed the back of his head. "I came for the food, alright?" She says before walking away to class. "Man.. oh, Hinata!" I charge towards her and gave a her little fright. "N-Naruto?" She says as she stepped away. "How does it feel to be first place?" She thought for a moment and smiled a bit. "I mean.. it feels quite normal, really" We continued having a small conversation until we finally reached our classroom. "Morning!" Everyone looked at me and either waved or sighed. "Yo, Naruto! How was your date?" Kiba asked which caught everyone's attention. "Shut up! It was only a hangout!" I say with a raised voice. "Alright, class! Sit down!"

After School

"Laters!" I shout to my friends from afar, since they were walking the other direction from me. After finally passing 2 blocks away from school, I noticed a recognisable car and license plate. It was a black Toyota Supra and the license was 'Uchiha'. Wait a minute.. that's Mr Sasuke's car! He wouldn't mind if I come over, right? I waddle my way towards the house, up the steps and knocked. "Oi! Mr Sasuke! You here?" I squint my eyes to hear no answer. "He-" The door slowly opened. "Hey, Mr Sasuke!" I suddenly froze to see him staring down at me with a dead look. He didn't seem to show a hint of joy either. Not even a single light in his eyes. "Hello.." He says in a quiet voice. "Are you alright?" I ask him but he didn't answer to that. "Want some tea?" Sasuke walked back and wandered through the kitchen. "Sure!" I walked in and shut the door from behind me.

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