The Folder On The Desk

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Chapter 1: The Folder On The Desk

The sound of paper smacking down in front of her didn't even cause Elsa to look up. Drafting this motion for Family Court was so much more important.

"Elsaaaaaa," came a familiar voice from above her.

"What is it, Bunny?" Elsa asked, not even looking up from her desk.

She knew what was about to be asked. This was a dance that she had danced too many times before.

"I need your help on a case, Elsa."

"Didn't know Burgess PD is after family lawyers these days," Elsa muttered as she wrote down some changes to the Will she was writing. "I'm not a criminal lawyer Bunny so I can't do any search warrants or arrest warrants for you."

"It's not to do with talents."

Elsa glanced up briefly from her legal documents with her eyebrows raised. From the very beginning, it hadn't been a mystery as to why Bunny was here. A small bout of annoyance rose within her. Her pen stammered slightly on her notes which caused the name of the car in the will to be more pronounced than she wanted.

"No, means no Bunny. I am not interested."

Keep it cool Elsa, she told herself, if your emotions rise...

"Elsa, this is important, a six-year-old girl is missing and everyone has been searching for three weeks straight. We need to know where her body is."

"What makes you think she's dead?" Elsa's gaze was purposely on her documents.

"We have evidence that points that way."

"And you want me to confirm this?"

Bunnymund nodded and Elsa groaned into her hands. If she didn't say yes, Bunnymund would keep asking and wouldn't stop. Then again, this wasn't exactly her favourite activity in the world.

"Go do it for this guy Elsa," said a third voice in the room. "He seems like a nice bloke."

"Go away," Elsa continued to groan into her hands.

"Who me?"

"Not you, him," Elsa thumbed in the direction of the third person in the room.

It was a man, probably in his late twenties, dressed in Victorian-era clothing. He was sitting on Elsa's desk with a smirk on his face. Bunnymund's eyes fell onto the space that Elsa was gesturing to. A confused look on his face reminded Elsa that to him, it was just an empty space. He couldn't hear or see the third person in the room with them.

Ever since Elsa was little, she could hear and see people that other people couldn't. At first, she thought that she could be going crazy – maybe even having hallucinations – then her grandmother explained everything to her. The maternal line in her family had this gift; a gift to be able to commune with the deceased. When she first heard it, she thought it was a joke but the people kept coming and they didn't seem to want to go away. Nobody else in her family had this "gift" to which Elsa saw them as being lucky. She would describe this power as more of a curse than a blessing. Her grandmother would often disagree.

"Elsa," the Victorian man smirked more, "help out your friend."

"You're one to talk," Elsa muttered back, "you killed your best friend and then got hanged for it."

Sure enough, there was a prominent red line around the man's neck. Having this gift afforded her special insights into not only the people she could commune with but the living as well. It did come in useful at times but more often than not, people hated her for it. Well, the people who knew about her powers weren't many. It wasn't something she exactly broadcasted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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