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"It's...good," they remarked softly, crossing their arms over their chest. "Unless you plan to stand under the spotlight all night, it's your choice," quickly adding as they scanned her from top to bottom, rubbing both their arms in thought.

"You said it will look good on me," she whined peeking down at the dress as she twirled around.

"Did so," raising their index, before directing it at the person in front, "but not at you."

Which earned them a frown, and just before a complaint could get loose, they interject, "Look, I seriously don't know why out of all the people on your list," jabbing a thumb towards themselves, "I just so happen to be the one accompanying you with this," a look of genuine frustration etched on their face.

Oh wow, that rhymed, they thought.

In a state of amusement, she replied, "Well, you're my friend," as she leaned on the doorframe, "It's that simple, isn't it?"

"I'm well informed—mind you—so I'm sure that it's never that simple," reflecting the same expression she has on themselves.

She sighs, nodding, "But I won't need to tell you anything else," admitting as she walked out of the fitting room and towards the clothing racks.

Trailing their sight at their fr—close friend—they watched as she scours through the clothes in front of her. "Try this one," pointing their thumb at the dress beside them.

And before closing the curtain, she looked back at them with a raised brow, lifting up the outfit.

Tinting a little smile on their face, they assured, "It'll look beautiful on you."

Time continues ticking as they sat in silence, glancing around the clothing racks and the people roaming, eagerly picking and placing back outfits.

"Not bad."

Swivelling to the voice, they looked at their friend showing an amused expression as they also, mirrored her look.

But before they fall into a trance, she smoothly inserted the question, it being the true purpose of their mall trip, "So...you coming?"

Immediately, a response was heard, "Nope," crossing along their arms as clarity to their answer.

Abruptly shooting her head up, "What? But you should join us!" she whined greater than before, pushing away the curtain her hands had been fumbling with.

"Now I'm questioning this friendship of ours," stating as their lips curled in a way that greatly fueled the tantrum their friend is giving.

She doesn't seem to waver, they noticed.

Then before they start questioning, gears started spinning, "Are you—?" and they gasped.

"You don't have a plus one."

She flinched slightly at the accusing finger, before her eyes shot wide open, her system washed in embarrassment.

"No—! I do—did—before, once...but he has already gotten...," stammering along her words, her company already hid behind a clothing rack preventing any maniacal embarrassment of their own.

"Got rejected by Mike?" they heaved, failing to keep the chuckles in.

"I was few seconds late! I could've gotten Michael as my plus one," her voice rose high, throwing her arms and head back frustratedly. "If only Mr. Chem didn't call me in," posing on the doorframe in a manner that screamed anger.

"If only you submitted it early," they singsong as they hanged the previous dress back in its place.

"My father and I went and catched up!"

"...Mustard." they mumbled before suddenly catching an apparel that flew towards them. They giggled, as she scoffed.

Playfully rocking their heels back and forth as they settled aside the garment, "And now, you're asking me?" side-glancing their friend in amusement.

Palming her torso, "I can't be in there without a partner!" she cried out, pleading.

"Doesn't say in the rules," they shrugged, but realised, "No, actually, there has never been any rules when it comes to parties," giving the ceiling a hard stare, before swiftly adding, "Exclude booze, those are really on the no-no list," they shook their head in supplement with a small cross formed with their indexes.

She huffed, and searched for any sign of hope in their eyes, "Can you please—at least—reconsider?" fumbling the fabric of the dress.

The stare-off both pair of eyes are currently having right now is growing outrageous, that they end up clasping both sides of their hips, and monotonously spoke, "I'm seriously questioning our friendship."

"You know how badly I want to be in this party," grunting as she stomped towards her friend.

"And you know how badly I prefer to be at home," they snorted back, motioning to poke her stomach.

"Aarghh! You party-pooper!" she roared before raining jabs on their arm that shielded their body.

"You home-pooper," they retorted, earning a hard but playful slap on their shoulder as both giggled at their lack of sense of humour.

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