Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

I sit on my bed with a hand over my mouth as the tears pour down my face, the storm outside seeming to reflect my emotions right now. How the fucking hell could I have told everyone about what happened to me? I had sworn that I would take that moment to my grave, that I would have rather died then ever tell a living soul about what he did to me.

"You really thought you could get away from me?" It feels like my blood to turns to ice. I slowly look up and see his dark figure standing in the corner of the room, his smirk too wide to be human and his eyes seeming to be glowing red.

"Y-You aren't here.....You can't be. I only left you yesterday. You aren't real."

"I'm as real as the voice in your head that said you were being a fucking idiot for leaving. What sealed the final nail on your coffin though, was you taking my card and actually using the money on it."

"What else was I supposed to do?! You made me quit my job! Even before that any money I made from it you took for yourself! I had nothing!"

"Because you are nothing and deserve nothing. It won't be long until I actually find you, you know that and you know what I will do once I find you."

"You won't. You'll trace the money trail. You'll think the money I took out was for a book or food. You'll track my phone to that rest stop and assume I went to San Fransisico."

"And what then, smart ass?"

"You'll ask the police there to keep an eye out for me, probably spinning some lie about how unstable I am. Saying I've had a mental breakdown and nothing that I say can possibly be trusted."

"What makes you so sure that I won't just try looking here for you first, you dumb bitch?"

"Because the trail I left-"

"Yes, you left a rather convincing trail that any novice cop would follow no question about it. But I know you. I know that you shared your whole life story to me after us only being toghether for about a month. I know that if you truly didn't want to be alone like a pathetic loser then you would come here hoping your bitch ass sister was still here-"

"Don't talk about her like that!"

"-and that tracking her down will be my first step to finding you."

" cut me off from my family....."

"You also know I always hated that cunt so even if going after her leads me nowhere, it will still be worth it to finally make her cunt ass mouth stop talking for once."

"Stop it stop it!" I put my hands over my ears as the tears spread down my face faster but it doesn't do anything.

"And when I find you, I'll do worse than what happened to Cathy White."

"Just stop! Please leave me alone!" I feel him grab my wrists and I struggle trying to get out of his grip. "Let me go!"

"Dipper, look at me. It's me, it's just me." I take a second look and see it's just Bill kneeling down in front of me with a concerned look on his face.

"Bill....." I break out into more tears so he sits next to me on the bed pulling me to his chest in a warm embrace as he rubs my back gently.

"There there, everything is going to be okay."

"No it's not! When he finds me he'll kill me!"

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do! H-He's done it before, I know he has!"

"What do you mean?"

"One of his poker nights, he and his buddies were talking about this woman, Cathy White. They were knocking on motel room doors to find a drug dealer and knocked on the wrong door. She was a prostitute. They took one look at her and did horrible things to her. Raped her, hit her so hard they broke her tooth and broke three of her fingers. They claimed she attacked them and even gave themselves minor injuries but she had enough money for a lawyer and was going to sue the whole precinct. The next day she was found stabbed over 30 times and her genitals were mutilated. I know that Mark is the one that did it. I can't prove it but I just know that he did! If he finds me he'll do so much worse to me!"

"You said yourself that you went through a lot of work to make sure he doesn't find you, right?"


"Then we'll just have to make sure that he doesn't find you."

"You don't know what he's like. H-He is a f-fucking psycho! He'll kill anyone that even remotely gets in his way. He's incapable of feeling remorse or empathy in the slightest. O-Or maybe he can and just chooses not to, I don't know anymore."

He gently holds my chin and makes me look up at him. "Look, I promise to do whatever it takes to keep you safe from that horrible man. To help you be whoever it is in this crazy world that you choose you want to be. Trust me on that, okay?"


"They're having dinner downstairs but I can bring you up a plate if you'd like."

"I'm not....I'm not hungry."

"Okay. You should probably get some rest then. I'll see you in the morning." I feel him go to get up but I tightly wrap my arms around him to keep him from going anywhere. "Dipper?"

"D-Don't go....p-please.....I need someone here with me, even just for tonight."

"Okay, okay. I'll stay." I relax slightly feeling him run his fingers through my hair. "Would you like me to sleep with you tonight to keep all the bad things away?"

"Yes please."

"Then I shall be here all night to keep you safe."

We lay down under the covers as I keep my arms wrapped around him, feeling safer that way, and slowly fall asleep as I feel him continuing to rung his fingers through my hair.

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