guide to perfect skin - skincare

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hello hello!! in this booklet, by looks of the title, i will be helping u achieve ur dream skin type. :) *hopefully* !!! also this is my 2nd book on here so sorry if it's not that good!!

- skincare -

keep a skincare routine!! 

u should always keep a skin care routine that u can be consistent with. i like to keep mine nice and short so that i'm able to do it almost every day!! 

- products - 

my skincare consists of 4 items and i was able to obtain very glowy and smooth skin in the past 3 days! my skin is very sensitive so i have to be very careful on what i put on my face. 

- routine -

it doesn't really matter what brands you use however, it matters more of the routine you built for your skincare. i like to rinse my face with cold water also using a facial cleanser and gentle scrub. i do this before applying any moisturizers to my face. spf is something very important u should keep in ur skincare! it has sooo many benefits and it's basically the whole thing that makes me obtain glowy and smooth skin !

- consistency - 

be consistent with ur routine !!

i like to keep my skincare routine nice and short, like i mentioned before. the reason for this is so that i can be able to do it every day without losing motivation or getting too caught up in the skincare. i feel like an average skincare routine should consist of 3-4 products. i've seen a lot of people using serums, moisturizers, cleansers, etc all in one skincare routine and i feel like those types of routines should be done 1-2 times a month due to it being so much effort + products being used on ur skin!

- give ur skin a break -

giving ur skin a break from time to time is veryyy important!! ur skin needs to breathe, as well. you shouldnt be super consistent with skincare to a point where you start doing ur skincare like 7 days a week or even 2-3 times a day. i like to do my skincare 2-3 times a week max. i like to let my skin breathe once in a while because, adding to many products to your face can overwhelm your skin and cause an irritation or reaction.

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