Aubrey Hall Wedding

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"I am glad that Kate is joining the family. But there is a part of me that mourns that she will never model the independent life that I so want for myself. I've enjoyed speaking with another woman about more intellective matters. Not this endless blather about balls and gowns and suitors. I do miss you, Pen..."

Eloise got up in frustration, crumpled the beginning of yet another letter and tossed it on her writing desk. It landed atop a pile of correspondence from Penelope. Eloise was not ready to forgive and she didn't know when she would be. The betrayal was not just in the Lady Whistledown secret but in the very nature of her best friend. Pen was capable of more than anyone ever expected. Was Eloise? Could Pen and Theo be right about her being nothing but talk? No different from the other privileged ladies of the ton?

At least today, there was no one from London society participating in the ceremony. Just family and the local vicar. Every effort appears to have been made to differentiate it from the opulence of the wedding at the palace a couple months ago. No grand church. No best man... or bridesmaid. She looked out her window at the pretty tent set just outside the terrace at Aubrey Hall. Luckily, the overnight storm cleared by morning and the sun had dried everything by afternoon.

A maid knocked on the door and said that everything was ready to start. Eloise met Benedict and Colin at the bottom of the stairs and waited in silence for the rest of the family.

"Whatever is the matter with the two of you?" Colin asked. "You have both been moping around since the night of the Featherington ball. Our brother is finally matched with his true love. This should be a happy time."

Before either had to answer, Daphne and the duke arrived with baby Augie in tow. Colin decided to play with his nephew rather than continue to contend with his dour siblings.

Lady Violet came in from the back and motioned for everyone to come out. "The children, Lady Danbury and Miss Edwina are already out on the grounds with the vicar."

"Where is Anthony? Or is he planning on doing the running away this time?" Colin tried to joke. No one bothered to laugh.

Anthony finally came down the stairs, looking like he's had no sleep. The nervous energy coming off him seemed catching as baby Augie started fussing as he neared. He took Lady Violet's arm and they lead the party out. Benedict and Eloise brought up the rear.

"Is he going to be alright do you think?" Eloise murmured to Benedict. "These last few months have brought some rather dramatic challenges for our brother."

"He'll be better after they are finally wed. I saw him after he carried Miss Sharma in from her accident. Colin is right. Our brother has found his one true love. We should all be so lucky." Benedict responded wistfully.

Eloise pondered her brother's tone as they descended the stairs to the terrace. She breathed deep of the rain-washed air. All her older siblings seemed to yearn for a love like mother had with father. Until recently, she thought Anthony to be more like herself with regards to love. There were more important things in life: challenges of the mind, accomplishments and the like. Her experience with Theo, while thrilling in some respects, was not enough to convince her that her future was worth sacrificing for a love that may not last. She may currently be trapped in polite society but she still held hope for something more. True love and family may be enough for people like Daphne. But what about women like Kate and herself? What does an independent woman end up sacrificing for love? Was it worth it?

Eloise enjoyed speaking with Kate one-on-one these last few weeks. Before getting betrothed, the life she'd planned for herself back in India seemed humble but free. No one told her what to do. And if they did, she promptly ignored them and did what she wanted anyway. She supposed that's what made her such a good match for Anthony. Kate did not hesitate to speak her mind and it made her brother a better person. Eloise often paid little attention to her eldest brother but it was impossible to miss the way he lit up when Kate so much as entered the room. It boggled her mind to think that he managed to hide those responses to Kate during his courtship of Miss Edwina.

They arrived at the tent. Lady Danbury and Miss Edwina were already seated. Francesca played the pianoforte. Lady Violet called Gregory and Hyacinth in from playing on the lawn. Everyone one else found their seats. Anthony stood nervously at the front with the vicar. He stilled as his eyes caught sight of his bride descending the stairs of Aubrey Hall. Even from a distance, the jewel tones of their saris stood out vividly. Lady Mary in royal blue and Kate veiled in a deep red, no one, not even the vicar, took their eyes off them as they proceeded down into the tent.

Benedict released the breath he'd apparently been holding and said mostly to himself, "I need to paint this."

Eloise tore her gaze from the bride and looked at her brother in pleasant surprise. He hadn't worked on his art for weeks now. She was glad he could be inspired to return to his craft. Perhaps this meant she could also be inspired to return to writing.

She turned her attention to the front of the tent where Anthony seemed to struggle with hearing anything the vicar was saying. His entire being focused entirely on Kate. Again. Eloise rolled her eyes. Finally, the necessary repetitions and vows were made and he was allowed to lift her veil. Even Eloise's breath caught on sight of Kate's radiance. Her face exuded pure joy and love.

"I do," he murmured distractedly.

Kate laughed, "You already said that." She shook her head softly before lifting a patterned hand to his face and leaning in for a kiss.

Eloise had to admit that it was a sweet end to a relatively painless ceremony, certainly compared to the interminable weddings she'd attended in the past. She started to get up before realizing that everyone was still seated but starting to shift uncomfortably. She looked up to the front of the tent and realized that the kiss had continued long after it was appropriate. The vicar cleared his throat and it was clear from his expression that this was not the first time he had done so. Benedict was grinning from ear to ear. He whooped and clapped and everyone joined in.

This finally seemed to rouse Anthony enough to separate his face from Kate's and his expression was a mixture of smug satisfaction and genuine surprise that other people were still here. The rest of the world truly seemed to fall away for him. For the first time, Eloise felt a twinge of that pining which seemed to plague both Benedict and Colin. She'd always shrugged off Daphne's love match with the duke. Her sister, the golden child, always got what she wanted. But Anthony was like her. So was Kate. They weren't looking for love. But it found them anyway. And, for them, it was worth it.

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