your such a baby Zander Mille says looking disappointed
Cmon Zander is just one time Jake response
I mean yeah it doesn't mean anything anyway Jake shrugs his shoulders
Cmon Zander!! I want spice! Mille yells with a evil look on her face
I- Zander is cut off by Jake kissing him
AHHHHHH Mille is losing her shit rn
Calm down we can't be that loud! Hailey says while turning her head to Mille
Yeah ha sorry Hailey-
WHAT THE HELL JAKE Zander screams
Chill out dude that's how the game works jake replied while smiling
Whipe that smug ass look off your face you idiot!
So like.. did you enjoy it or? Jake says jokingly
your such a weirdo Jake!
How rude of you Zander I gave you a kiss and you yell at me? How disrespectful Jake tries to sound as dramatic as he can
Zander pov: "what the hell was he thinking?! Ugh who am I kidding he never thinks about what he does. but I guess I didn't mind the kiss.. WOAH WAIT NO I DIDN'T ENJOY THE KISS WHAT THE HELL AM I TALKING ABOUT!."
Jake pov: "holy shit I just did that.. good job me! Zander probably is pissed tho. Eh whatever he'll get over it he always does"
Soooo Jakey how was the kiss Mille says leaning towards him
I enjoyed it to say the least Jake says smiling
Ooooh~ is that so? Mille says giggling then goes over to Zander
Hey Zander! Jake enjoyed the kiss you know? Mille says smirking
Oh please he's probably messing around Zander says turning kinda red
Nah I don't think so he smeed pretty honest and Jake's a terrible lier
Yeah yeah whatever you think Mille Zander says rolling his eye's
Maybe you should you know.. talk to him Mille says giggling
Just shut up I would never feel that way towards Jake...
Or would he?