1) Lose

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Ash just fainted. "ASH" Shouts one of his friends, serena. Pikachu tries to wake ash up, Ash slowly opened his eyes. In a broken voice "Pikachu....does that mean i lost ?" And then wulfric said something to ash that made him more confused and frustrated. What he was worried the most was about Greninja it got hurt a bit too much in that battle and the next he lost, lost in front of Sawyer his rival who once looked up to him. Now ash thought Sawyer won't admire him anymore.

Ash Was really upset than before so he went alone into the forest to clear his head. Leaving his friends including Pikachu in the Pokemon centre. But now the snow storm was getting too hard for Ash to even breath. He was sitting inside a cave. With his hands on his pocket. Suddenly he heard some strange screaming sound. He ran near a cliff to see a girl trying to save some of the spewpas from the tree. Ash looked close and realised it was actually "MISTY!!!!!!!!!!!!" ????

Yup, it was MISTY WATERFLOWER. Ash's best friend. Who once travelled with him. "Huh, ASH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?!!!??" Misty said somewhat balancing in that tree. "it doesn't matter right now but what do you think you are doing there Misty, you might get hurt please get down" "I'd love to Ash, but i have to help these Pokemons or they won't be able to get down". Ash was now getting worried as the wind started to blow faster. " Umm....misty, you get down I'll get those Pokemons". "But Ash what if-" Suddenly one of those spewpas fell down. Both Ash and Misty "SPEWPA!!!!!!!" But thankfully a tongue came out of nowhere and saved it. "huh, GRENINJA" Ash Said. Greninja smiled at him and Misty was really happy to meet a cool water type ( she always wanted to have a greninja), she sincerely loves water types.

"wow, ash is that Greninja yours ?" "Yup, it is- No, MISTY LOOK OUT FOR THE -"
ash couldn't finish it. There was a huge wind that blew misty off of the tree. Now she was falling down from the cliff. When Misty was falling she hurted her head and lost her consciousness. Greninja jumped to save her. As Greninja became Ash-Greninja, it saved misty from getting farther hurt. They took her to the cave that ash stayed in. Ash thanked Greninja a lot for saving his best friend. Misty was laying her head on Ash's shoulder as she was still unconscious. Ash remembers how misty got hurt. Misty's eyes began to open slowly, "Um...oh......huh........A-Ash" "Misty, thank Arceus you're alright, i was really worried, misty you are the one who's reckless now" "Yeah i know I'm sorry for making you worried, But what are you doing here?" Misty asked. "Nothing, i was just walking by, with my friends here in the Pokemon centre" "Oh wait wait, so you're here for your gym battle right?" "Yeah......" Ash answered in a low voice. Misty noticed that something was wrong with him. He looked kinda sad. "so......did you win ?" "No..." Ash replied quickly, kinda like he's frustrated. He didn't like her Asking about something that he wanted to forget. Misty was taken aback by his cold reply. "But Ash, it's alright you-"
Ash interrupted her"Can you please shut your damn mouth?!?". This really shocked misty. She was hurt by him. But now she got angry, you know, that's typical Misty. "Hey wasn't i just trying to cheer you up, and this is how you'll reply to someone who wants to help you". Ash knew she was right. And in the situation he was in right now. He couldn't even argue with her like he always does. So he said a small 'sorry' in a slow voice.
Misty knew what she said was wrong too, of course ash was upset and she knows that she shouldn't have talked to him like that. She just couldn't control herself. "Hey Ash... I'm really sorry about that, i know you're sad. But, Ash this is not like you at all, you always get back up like a spring". Ash was just quiet, he couldn't talk. But he was happy at the same time because he loved the fact how misty can understand him no matter what situation it is. He started to smile. "Hahagafagadhaaa" more like ash stated to laugh. Misty couldn't understand what was wrong with him. Then he stopped laughing and hugged misty. "Thank you misty." Misty was first shocked but hugged him back. "If i couldn't even do that, why should I be alive". "Alright, let's go to the Pokemon centre the storm's down" while going to the Pokemon centre they met Ash's other friends.
"ASH!!!!!! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE ALRIGHT." said a cute blonde haired girl. There were three of his friends. Serena, bonnie and clemont. "Well greninja's fine too- oh wait, you're a keeper !!!!!!!!" That's what bonnie said right after she saw misty. But someone pulled her back but this time it was Ash. He said "Please bonnie don't" bonnie understand that ash liked her so she gave him a teasing smile. "Sorry for making you worried guys, oh yeah this is Misty she's my best friend whom once i travelled with. She's from the Kanto region's cerulean city.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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