Chapter 10

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Ross asked me out like about two hours ago. He was really into me. He asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes.

"Ross, bro give me an air slap!" Rocky yelled.

"Uh.. Rocky! I wouldn't go there!" I yelled

"C'mon bro! Show me what you got!" Rocky cried out.

"If you want to." Riker said and did a air slap.

"Slap!" Rydel yelled and did a slap sound with her hands.

"Man! I thought he was really gonna hit him!" I said

"Haha! We don't fight!!" Ross yelled

"Pfft, yeah right" Rocky said

"Yeah. We always fight for dumb things." Riker said

"Even for a meal!" Rocky said.

"Wow that is nuts!" I said

"Yeah I'm the practically calm one in the family." Rydel said.

"No you're not. I am." Ryland said

"Ha! Last time I saw you fight with Rocky...hmmm.... Oh yeah! Like two hours ago!" Rydel said

Man I love hanging out with them. They're like practically family to me! We then started getting wet in the pool and after that, we all played games like truth or dare, run around like crazy,video games, and did videos of us singing.

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