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Jemma was in Hydra, this was above the things she signed for when she started S.H.I..E.L.D. She rubbed the bottom of her palms in her eye as she let out a frustrated huff.

The work she was doing was way too easy for her, testing blood and the bare minimum of watching people in the lab before getting shouted back to work.

But the atmosphere in the lab was tense. The months she had been here were never like this. More Agents in heavy tactical wear and high-level agents in burgundy jackets lined the halls.

Since the lab was on the bottom floor and the most direct way to the closest elevator to the highest office, you were permitted to be checked twice. It didn't need a smart person to know someone important was coming in today and the little voice in the back of her head was telling her that she knew who it was.

A light tap on her shoulder bring the out of her work to see all agents were standing, straight-backed in front of their station. She imitated the stance. Hands behind your back and back ramrod straight.

"Hail Hydra"

Loud voices shouted all around her as the doors opened. The lab was so crowded it seemed like they fit as many as they could in one room at once.

Only then did she see the incomer, a face she never wished to see again.


Unlike the last time on the bus, she was rid of the tactical wear and now in a black trouser suit with a trench coat over the top. The coat looked like the issued lab ones but longer.

It was silent as she walked to the elevator, tall and imposing. The sound of her heels clicked as she moved.

Jemma could now see more of her. The once long black hair was now cropped short nothing as she had it before. The dark eyes that held a great amount of emotion and affection were now bleak, empty like a killer.

Skye must have been momentarily surprised by Jemma as she stopped for a second to look at her. But carried on before it was noticeable.

Agent Morse, who she figured out was S.H.I.E.L.D. The way she snuck sly graves at her or they was she would linger in the lab for a split second was enough.

So Jemma confronted her. She denied it at first but came around. Now they meet up at night at Jemma's apartment as Coulson would call or come around to make dinner.

It was a far cry from the team but it was good All the same. Plus Morse or Bobbie as she preferred had a PhD in biology so they would chat about that for a while.

She was getting as comfortable as you could being an informant in the enemy's base. But as soon as Skye arrived it went.


"Daisy, your back." Whitehall closed the space between them before pulling her in an awkward hug.

She responded by patting his back. Not that she hates Whitehall as some do, she couldn't. He had raised her, not forgetting the number of times he had made her go through pain, and torture until she became blank to feelings.

But she had them, and Coulson and his stupidly kind smile had. But it was between him and the person who had raised her. Daisy would guess they were calling it compliance which she could resist. But she preferred it to be called an instinct, to protect the ones she grew up around.

"Yes, I'm back, Daniel. Now, what do you want? I was getting foreign influence. I was betting the Russians could help us but nooo. You pulled me out before. Now get to the point."

The Brunette rolled her eyes as she unbuttoned the blazer only for it to be flung lazy on the back of a chair. Resting her legs on the desk just to annoy the man, she wanted answers.

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