Unnoticed, my silent sobs creep by.
Unknown to you, my love,
I'm wrecked on the inside.
Your eyes though look,
Do not watch, not carefully at least.
My heart though beats, does not beats,
fast enough to protect me.
I hold onto whatever I can,
Waiting for the inevitable.
Just a step further,
I take a step back.
Compelling myself to breathe.
The shards of my broken heart,
Penetrate into the depths of my self.
The soul that makes me, breaks me,
Is just a shadow of what i used to be.
I hold onto you,
You clutch it tightly, my hand.
I know how to look strong,
Almost always,
When in reality I'm just falling apart.
The cruelty of fate is not concealed,
Unknown though, to the strange eye.
The beauty of a world unseen,
I would hold onto your hand,
You'd lead the way.
Away from my wreckage,
To somewhere in your world perhaps.
While in my world,
You'll be my light.