Can it get any worse

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When my mother went back to read out the names my dumb sister Ella walks in and sees our mother standing in front of the class with a smile that may look pleasant but only me and Ella know what kind of smile that is. "Mother what are doin in school", "I guess I forgot to tell you aswell as of today this is my job and I'm your homeroom teacher". Ella was shocked didn't know what to say, "so Ella where were you, you are 5 minutes late". "I was in the toilet I had an upset stomach", all my mother said was "Evie and Ella see me after school in my office", where gonna get scolded, she was reading out everyone's name with a smile when it came to mines no simile emotionless I say here looking out the window when she called that bitch Harpers name you see all the joy in her face I hate that bitch. That bitch looks back at me and smiles and I got really pissed I wanted to throw something at her but I looked at Ella that shook her head telling me to calm down I know that bitch knows I have an bad relationship with my mother and she's from an orphanage and still lives there. I swear my mother loves her more then she loves me and it's annoying. She is also one of Ella childhood friends, I hate that bitch just looking at her face makes me more angry I couldn't crazy my anger until I felt someone soft hand on my hand and telling me to calm down.

I see it's Elizabeth what is she doing here and in my class if I remember she wasn't In our class if I remember, she's comes close to me I start to blush but I'm hiding it with my left hand she tells me "calm down it's ok don't let your anger overflow" she says I try to calm down but I can't seeing my mother and that bitch talk while smiling fucking hurts. I tell her I can't my sister sees me and walks upto me and says "sis snap out of it, it's not worth getting angry about" I snap out of it and thank Ella as she goes back to her seat I didn't realise but I've been holding onto Elizabeth soft hands all this time.

"Thanks for calming me down" I say to Elizabeth " no problem if you want to talk about I'm always here" I say thanks the bell rings for first lessons I let go of her hands and then my friends saw me holding hands with her while I saw angry, Katy says "I saw that", "saw what" I say "your angel holding hands are you two a thing", I say fuck no I was just angry so she held my hand I say blushing all my friends said sure while teasing me. In our school we also learn magic but we can only use it inside of school ground or if your an imperial soldier both our mothers used to be soldiers but now my mother Claire does paperwork for them and my mother Rosie became a teacher.

English was so boring I nearly fell asleep but I couldn't most subjects my mother was my teacher so I couldn't slack off or I would get scolded when I get home. When my mother asked the question that bitch kept on putting her hand and answering them like a goody too shoe making my mother smile but all I did was stare at the trees outside, I wasn't paying any attention to the lesson because all I wanted to do is go to my music lesson and start playing the piano to calm me down. When the lesson finishes my mother holds me back so she can talk to me about something I wonder what probably not paying attention to class.

"Evie were you even paying attention to class" I just nod my head looking outside, "Evie look at me when I'm talking to you" she asked to look at my book so I gave it to her I wrote everything down and completed the worksheet. I asked "can I go now" she looked angry at me "what's with this attitude of your why are you acting like this". I just want to go to my next lesson or I'll be late I said. When I was leaving she said "fix that attitude of yours" I said "what attitude" under my breathe "what did you say" "nothing", "are you talking back to me Evie" I said all I did was answer you back she got really mad and said "you know what me, you and your mother will have an chat when we get home about your attitude young lady" I say whatever in my head and walk out to go to my next class.

Next class is magic all we do is mana control it is very important to control your mana if you can't and the mana overflows and takes over your body splat your dead. Our mother told us from a young age we should learn how to control mana so did and we've gotten pretty good at it. We where in a large field with open areas and some trees we where all practicing how to control mana and use spells, as I was practicing I hear that dickhead jacks voice " look everyone it's the freak with a dick", I fucking hate jack he used to call me weirdo, freak, dickgirl i tried to ignore him but I couldn't I was around 11 when I first broke his nose with two punches I went into my mothers room and found fighting instructions cd of my mothers so I took and starting watching when no one was at home I picked it pretty fast after some months later I had enough of jacks insults that in p.e I got mad and broke his nose. My parents got called in they said why'd you hit I told they he was calling me names and I had enough so I punched him, my mother Claire told me to ignore them but I couldn't. When I got home that day mother Rosie started beating she was saying you punch other people so try blocking my punches she punched me so hard I fell to ground crying saying I'm sorry I won't do that again but it didn't stop her from hitting me.

After that beating I had I stopped for months getting into trouble but when they started targeting my little sister I got even more pissed I knocked one boy out with one punch and then from there on I also go into fights you never disrespect me or my little sister.

While that dumbass was calling me names my friends told me to ignore him but he started walking towards me says " yo freak I heard your girl cheated probably because you don't know how to use it properly". His talking bullshit I gave that dumb bitch multiple orgasms. " listen shrimp dick just because my dick is bigger then yours and can make girls cum no need to be mad I'll teach you a few lessons" I say he gets angry running towards me with a wooden sword in his hand I tried to hit me but i dodged with my catlike reflexes and punched him right in face I'm pretty sure I heard his nose crack  that's my win again. I started to ground and pound him,he kicked me in the face I fall back as soon as he tries to get on top I kick his balls and drops to the ground. The teacher came and asked what happened to jack was on the floor crying his balls were hurting, my nose was bleeding but it wasn't that bad. Cait and Bella helped me up to the nurses office and then I had to go to the headmasters.

I knock on the door until I hear "come in" I walk inside and the headmaster says "if it isn't Evie" He asked me what happened and I told him everything I tried to ignore him at first and how he attacked me first. He just nodded his head and said if this happens again you'll be in big trouble I'm letting you this one but I have to tell your mother when he said that I just looked down and nodded my head. After that I went back to my classroom and the day went along like a normal boring day. Finally the bell rang the days over but I have to get to work I started working because I can't stay in that house for long it's messing with my head, while me and Ella where walking to mothers office we stand outside because it's locked 5 minutes later we see our mother walking towards us she opens the door and tells us to come in. "Now Ella tell me why you where 5 minutes late because I know when you left you didn't have an upset stomach", " I swear mom I had an upset stomach I'm not lying" she's clearly lying I can even tell all my mother said  from now on come to class on time or I'm taking away your car Ella says yes mom.

Now it's time for my lecture " Evie I heard you got into a fight with that boy jack again" I just nod my head she asked why " he was calling me names and talking about why my ex cheated on me I just replied to him he got angry and attacked me first, all I did was self defence" I tell her " is breaking someones nose and then kicking them in balls self defence we didn't teach you that kind of self defence we did". I tell her he started why I'm a getting in trouble "about those comments we told you hundreds of times to ignore those" I say under my breathe "just like how you ignore me" only my sister heard she didn't say anything because she knows it's true my mother said " did you say something" I said no and then we remembered me that the 3 us are gonna have a chat when we get home about my attitude. After that we gives my headphones back and I make my way  to work with my work clothes in my bag.

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