I. Take The Last Train

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London is a quite good place to stay on.

It's people are quite noisy but it's air is somehow peaceful to Chanyeol.

He never knew in the first place why he was here, but for now, all he knows is that he is here to appreciate London's beauty.

He first went to the National Gallery of London, he wanted to know more about paintings and different kinds of art. And everything was breathtaking for Chanyeol, he never found art beautiful before, but now he has.

Afterwards he went to the British Museum, to know more about the human history and any kind of stuff back in the old days. Museums aren't really Chanyeol's thing but he thought, It's never bad to try new things.

Chanyeol went to many places in London, there's the Tower Bridge, he went to see Big Ben, The London Eye, The Palace of Westminster and many other different attractions he can find in London.

After stopping by in a coffee shop, he decided that it's time to go home.

Chanyeol's apartment is in Cardiff, he usually rides the train because he doesn't like riding buses, it gives him anxiety for some reason. Which he doesn't really know why.

He always sits at the end of the train.

There are times that there are many people in front and he's not able to find a place to sit on and, he doesn't like the noise of people's talks. It actually pisses him off, so he always sits at the end of the train where there are less people.

But this time, it's different.

There are guys in the seat next to Chanyeol. He wonders why they are here. He looks up to the front seats, it still have a few more seats.

"What are they doing here?" He thought.

Chanyeol just sighs and decided to sleep to throw away all his random thoughts.


"Excuse me?"

Chanyeol opens his eyes and looks at the person in front of him.

"Who are you?" He asks.

The person who just talked to him looks at the guy beside him, probably his friend, Chanyeol thought.

"I-I'm Byun Baekhyun. Don't you remember me?"

Chanyeol looks at him weirdly. He doesn't remember meeting anyone in London, nor in Cardiff. Chanyeol was always alone. That's the only thing he knows.

"No, I'm sorry." he says.

The guy, Baekhyun, frowns and sighs. Chanyeol is somehow bothered. He doesn't know any Byun Baekhyun, and what's worst, he doesn't know anything or anyone. Except that he is in London, and he lives alone.

"So what they really said is true, huh? You really have amnesia." Baekhyun says.

"Amnesia? What the hell is he talking about?" Chanyeol thought. He has never been into any accidents that might cause "amnesia". As far as he knows, he has been here in London for almost a year. Nothing bad happened to him.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what the hell you are talking about. I don't know you and you creep me out please just stay out of my way." Chanyeol says. Baekhyun frowns once again. Chanyeol just ignored his reaction and looked at the sign of "Cardiff" outside.

And fortunately, he's finally in Cardiff.

As soon as the train stopped he fixes his bag and stood up leaving the sad Baekhyun behind him.

"Wait a second!"

Chanyeol sighs and turns around.

"Now what?!" he says almost shouting.

"Before you go, I have to give you this," Baekhyun says as he handed Chanyeol an old journal. Chanyeol hesistated to get it at first but ends up accepting it anyway.

"What's this?" he asks. Baekhyun looks at him and grins. "You'll now when you open it."

"Why can't you tell me now?" Chanyeol asks out of curiosity.

"Because you are already in your stop." Baekhyun says he walks away. Chanyeol looks at the "Cardiff" sign then at the book. Chanyeol tries to look at Baekhyun again but he isn't there anymore. He stood there dumbfounded. Not knowing what the hell just happened.

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