I remained in Hecate's car when she dropped of Hades and Persephone at their place, she looks at me, "Sit in the front, Akari." I sat in the front, "What is it?" "You are not from around here are you?" she asked, "I can tell by your name, it's not like everyone's name here, you have a Japanese name." "Yes, I am not from here," I said, "But somehow I ended up here, why I don't know." "Maybe for a reason?" she asked. I looked at her, "This is so out of my line of wisdom because for once I do not know on what I should be doing right this second, I do not have a place to stay because that means unless what ever I have pay, I can't go back to where I am from." "So, it is best to apply to the Underworld corps so you can finally reveal on what situation you are in right now," she said. I tell her, "I'll tell you because you seem very trusting, your entire existence is at risk right now." Hecate stopped driving, somehow Kore got in the back because I saw magenta hair go flying. Hecate asked, "What do you mean by that?" "I control the most vital thing, I control Life," I said to her, "Something is sapping my power away but now it's frozen when I stepped foot in this place." "Something within you must know that this place can aid you on finding out on who is sapping your power away," said Kore. I tell her, "Yeah, but if I don't know on who it is soon, it will be my entire existence is next once my power is sapped away."
"So it is best if you apply to the underworld corps and look for answers while being there," says Hecate, "I'll help you out, keep a low profile so he doesn't find out on what is going with you and why I am aiding you on this situation that you are in." "Yeah, I would like that actually," I tell her, "I hope I can pay it all back once we get this done and over with." "Don't fret about it," she says, "You are paying it back by allowing me to help you out." "Won't he get a little curious about what is going on?" I asked. Hecate scoffed, "I will only give away little bit of information." "Don't give away too much," I sighed, "Look, I know he has the authority here, but he, too, is at risk of never existing." "What if he knows already and he is not saying anything?" asked Persephone, "That could be a possibility for him to do that." "Is that possible?" I asked, "If so, that explains he is being a little intimidating with me." "Don't worry about that, he'll light up eventually, give him time," says Hecate. I just sat there, wondering if it's all true that he knows already about my current situation right now. We went to the Underworld Corp, Hecate says to Persephone, "Go on ahead and start doing your work, I'll get her situated." Persephone nods and goes to her desk, I asked, "Is it overwhelming on what you guys do?" "Only a few days but we got the hang of it," she says.
I stood in line while Hecate talks to Minthe about something, I started to work on increasing my power again, I made my hands glow not to the point where I draw attention to myself, so far I still have my Light, Ice, Fire, Water, and Dark powers, everything else was sapped away. I need to gain my healing powers back, I'm powerless without that, I tried but I ended up hurting myself, yeah, this requires full relaxation and looking for answers, Hecate walks over to me, "Are you alright? We can do this some other time." "No, I'm good, I was trying to gain something back but ended up hurting myself without trying to," I tell her. She sits me down, "Full name?" "Akari Itsuki, I do not have a middle name unfortunately," I tell her. "It's quite alright, almost all of us do not have those last names and middle names," she says, "Date of birth?" "Where I am from, I was born on December 11th, can't remember what year to be honest." "That's quite alright, wait, you remember the month and date but not the year?" she asked, "Looks like whatever was sapping your powers away is working it's way already." "Oh, shoot, yeah, I usually remember the year," I said, then I pulled my dna sample in case this ever happens to me, "Here, I took this in case my existence is at stake and I start to forget vital information." "Alright, it says on where you are from, the year was 1962," she says, "Wait, you are 42 years old?" "That's the number for Life isn't it?" I asked back. Hecate wrote that down, "So, you are a Sagittarius."
"Indeed," I said, "Wouldn't you believe that I can turn into 2 centaurs?" "Can you?" she asked. I gave a sad look, "I used to, I don't think I can anymore ever since it started." "Alright, let me finish this for you so you can start working here," she says, "But unlucky for you, you have to get interviewed by the King, himself, in order finalize everything." "How long will that take?" I asked, she says, "Depending on how well you do, it should not take long." While she was filling everything, asking questions for the form, I answered the way she wants to hear, but I can't help but feel that I'm needed somewhere far below this metropolis city, she says, "Alright, I'm gonna need your phone number for either myself, Minthe, or the King to call you to schedule the interview." "Right," I said, wrote my number down. I never change the last 4 numbers, unless I was told to, I'll scramble the numbers, if I have to, she led me outside and I started to look for someone who needs me, then I was stopped by Big Blue, he asked, "What brings you here?" "I hope that whoever needs me down there is answer to that question," I said, not looking directly at him. He lets me in there anyway, hm, maybe he is not scary at all, I changed into ancient Greek attire, I picked out a dark purple robe and a black shawl, had my hair up like I used to have it as, then made my way, and there he is with Persephone, she sees me, "Look at you, dark purple and a black shawl?" "Yeah, Purple and Black are my comfort colors," I said, "I don't like wearing a whole lot of light colors, gives me too much insecurity."
I was following them, then I saw the lady before me, Styx, she was giving me the feeling that she needs something from me, I snuck away to meet her in private, I was finally able to get to meet her in private by singing a special song called Show Yourself, hopefully nobody followed me, Styx tells me, "Get out of those robes, you look ridiculous." I spun around and the shawl became my black jacket and the dress turned into my shirt, the black cape became my jeans, my heels remained. Styx lowered herself, I asked, "What is it that you need?" "You tell me, what is going on with in you?" she asked. Within me? "I'm not quite sure on what you mean by that," I tell her, "I'm a little lost." "My dear child, you are having an inner conflict with something that is sapping your power and existence away," says Styx. I have to know if he knows, "Does he know?" "Who are you referring to? Hades?" she asked, I nodded, "He knew the moment you arrived in his realm." "I am screwed no matter what I do then, he's going to keep me here forever until he is bored with me," I started to freak out. Styx used calm emotions, "Calm yourself, my child, yes he is going to do that but he is going to help you." "How? By scaring the facts out of me, I don't think so," I tell her, "And, oh shoot, he is going to ask so many questions when he interviews me."
So, uh, she just let me vent to her, I was never like that, but now I know why she did it, she was lending her ear to me, I NEVER HAD THAT PRIVIELGE!! "You were letting me vent to me so I could let everything out, that was genius," I tell her. Styx asked, "Can you feel a power coming back to you?" "Uh, let me see," I said, tried to heal a wound I punctured myself. I was going to but it was gone while I was venting, I got my healing powers back, Styx said, "That is one thing that you need to learn and teach others, venting or ranting is also part of healing of any kind." "Whether it is grieving process or something else, vent in order to heal back for what was lost," I finished off, "Thank you so much River Styx." "Please just call me Styx," she tells me, "Now go back to the surface, I'll give you that feeling again for gaining back what you lost." I smiled, then I met up with Big Blue and Kore, she asked, "What happened?" "I was having a private conversation with Styx," I tell her, "I think she wants to help me." The last part was me whispering that to Kore so Hades does not hear, Kore says, "That's great that she wants to help you on your current situation." "She allowed me to vent which I forgot that it was part of the healing process," I said, "I gain the power to heal back." "You can heal?" she asked. I nodded, "But I am no where near of being a fertility goddess." "I understand that, but what happened to your robes?" she asked. I looked worried, "Styx told me to get out of the robes I was, said I looked ridiculous in those, I agree with her, they were too loose for someone who wore heavy dresses." "Then wear those as robes," she says.

Life Novel, Part 6
FantasyThis is the 6th part of the Life Novel: Beast Saga. Bleach is not owned by me, creator is Tite Kubo. I also do not own anything else but these ideas and the characters I have created. Credit goes to the original owners on what you see here.