Part One

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Author's note: hi guys, just a quick little message, I wrote this as a fic for another fandom a couple years ago but I have adapted and changed it up to be a Colby story. I really want to get back into my writing so I hope you all enjoy this. Please leave votes and comments and let me know what you think and  if I should post more stuff.

Lilith's POV

If it was one thing Lilith Davids had learnt after working at the public library for two years, was that there were some really strange books out there. Another thing she learnt, people actually read those strange books.

Working the job she did Lilith met people of all different shapes, sizes and colours and the majority didn't particularly stand out. But when you showed up twice a week and requested the most random books, I'm talking really fucking random, you're bound to stand out. Even more so, you stood out when the librarian couldn't help but drool over you when you came by. The first day Lilith had seen the guy, she was packing the returned books in the sci-fi aisle. The black haired, pale skinned beauty sauntered into the library just after five in the afternoon. His baby blue eyes scanned the mass of the library looking for assistance. Like it was second nature to her Lily waved his attention over. Shit, now this guy was going to come over here and actually talk to me.

It wasn't often that Lily saw someone come in here who could literally take her breath away. As the guy came closer his demeanour and appearance became a little clearer to her. In this part of Los Angeles, seeing a guy like him, in his heavy black leather jacket, wispy black hair and tattoos peeking out from under his sleeves, in the public library, was completely out of the ordinary. Lilith had grown up around guys like this. They'd rather hop on a motorcycle and smoke weed than show up at a place of stature and knowledge. Lilith had definitely judged this book by his cover.

When the guy was about two feet away she greeted him pleasantly, "How may I help you?"

"Ah...yeah, do you by any chance have the book How to Avoid huge ships?" the man asked almost uncomfortably. She furrowed her brows at the request. Just the day before she had come across the book when packing the shelves and had asked herself who the fuck would read this? Well it so happened this guy wanted to. She shook off her confusion quickly though because Mrs Darcy, the head librarian always told her to never judge when asked for a book.

"Yeah, follow me." She said as she walked two aisles over, the brunette following behind as he idly played with one of the few ear piercings Lily noticed. Lily quickly found the book and then handed it over. When the man reached forward her eyes locked onto his array of chunky silver rings that adorned most of his fingers.

"Thank you." The man smiled the most gorgeous smile she had ever seen, as he made his way to the front desk. Lily watched him go and she really hoped she'd be here the day the man returned the book.

Sure enough, he was back two days later requesting Moo Moo, the Cow. Lily thought that maybe this guy's friends were daring him to ask for these books...or maybe he was borrowing them for a sibling. Either way, it continued.

It was four months since Lilith had been seeing this guy come in and sure enough his choice in books never failed to make her do a double take. They'd exchange pleasantries, the guy would ask for his book and then go over to the front desk where the front desk would check his books out.

That Monday afternoon Lilith was covering for Daniel at the head desk when the guy showed up. He went over to the kids aisle and picked his books. Lily watched from the corner of her eyes, unable to tear her gaze away from the man, he was beautiful. Beyond beautiful, but he'd never give her and her nerdy self a second glance. Lilly had grown accustomed to that. Guys just never paid any mind to her, the curly mop of red hair on her head, the dust of freckles on her nose and cheeks or the thick black framed glasses she wore. The guy came over setting the five books of his choice onto the counter.

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