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Two Years Later

"Cole! Come for the phone!" Lily called from the living room, "It's Delilah!" Colby came rushing out of the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist. "And don't forget it's her first day back to school." Lily whispered as she handed off the phone. While Colby talked on the phone, Lily went into the bathroom to take a shower. It wasn't long after that Colby was shouting for her.

"Lily! You better hurry up, or we're gonna be late." Colby said as he grabbed clothes from his drawer. Lily came out then drying herself.

"How is she?" She asked as she slipped on her clothes.

"Good I guess, she's scared."

"Who wouldn't be." Lily walked to Colby kissing the side of his head, "I know you're worried, she'll be okay, she's a tough cookie." It had been a year since Delilah had gone into remission and she was finally going back to school. Her mother had tried for Colby to convince her that maybe homeschooling was best but the little girl was adamant that she wanted to go to private school with other children. Colby had remained close to the family, after all being there for them in the toughest time really made them grow close. Delilah had resorted to telling everyone that Colby was her big brother.

"What time do you have to pick up Katrina?" Colby asked Lily. The redhead shrugged, "she said to picker up whenever I'm finished with work."

"I can't believe we agreed to babysit that little Satan's spawn." Colby shook his head buttoning up his shirt.

"Come on! It's not babysitting...Katrina is a grown woman. And she's moving in not staying for a weekend." She smiled at the way Colby and Katrina always bickered like siblings.

"Okay, I can't believe she's moving in here. Feels like just yesterday I was introducing her to Sam."

Colby spritzed himself with cologne while Lily reached for his deodorant, "Hey that's my deodorant, Lily!"

"What's yours is mine." She kisses Colby's lips before fixing her shirt and leaving the bedroom. By the time Colby had gotten out of their bedroom Lily was sipping coffee and holding another out for Colby in the kitchen of the house he and Sam had bought a year ago . Colby gulped it down before putting it in the sink then grabbing the toast from the toaster that he knew Lily put in, it was their own little routine.

"Can you message me whenever you finish work? I'll leave the same time too.." Colby said chewing his toast.

"Yeah, we could go pick Katrina and all her shit up together." She grabbed the keys off the counter and then her coat, "come on, I'll be late."

They both got into the car and drove to work, their routine had seemed so much easier now that Colby was on a break from filming since they just wrapped up season 2 of their haunted series on YouTube and were off for a month. Once in front of the Hospital Lily leaned over smacking a kiss to Colby's lips, "Goodbye, honey. Have a nice day, honey." Lily grinned while Colby shot playfully rolled his eyes.

"Have a nice day."

"I love you."

"Love you too, darling."

"And don't forget, Gina wants you to call her to give her your opinion on the flowers she chose." Lily called after Colby

Colby rolled his eyes as he got out the car, "Why don't you just tell her your opinion on the flowers?"

"Because it's our wedding Colby, not just mine."

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